Enriching The List County Gardens Trusts ‘Meet Up’ 16th January 2017 Martin Newman Listing Information Manager @MartinInfoMan
National Heritage List for England 398,848 Entries 377,221 Listed Buildings 9,313 Grade I 21,932 Grade II* 345,976 Grade II 19,862 Scheduled Monuments 1,649 Registered Parks and Gardens 144 Grade I 455 Grade II* 1,050 Grade II 46 Registered Battlefields 52 Protected Wrecks 18 World Heritage Sites
Listed Garden Features 759 Summerhouses 523 Gazebos 1,179 Sundials 65 Garden Sheds 107 Garden Seats 163 Garden Temples 290 Ha Ha 167 Serpentine Walls
The Problem Older List Entries are often: Lack of images for entries Brief Do not meet current standards Haven't been kept up to date with latest research Lack of images for entries Insufficient resources to revise older entries Speed with which the list can be updated due to its statutory nature Users expect websites to be interactive Meeting the Digital Agenda Culture White Paper inc. virtual volunteering
The Potential The NHLE over 230,000 visits per month Listing pages account 60% visits to HE website Vast amount of additional knowledge from researchers both amateur and professional 99% population within one mile of an protected site or building People care!
The Solution Open up the list to public contributions Crowdsourcing project to: Tap into the research of others Greater engagement in The List by users Engage new audiences in The List User Generated Content separate from the list Entry Moderation
Launched 7th June Preceded by a public beta test #ListEngland 500 posts with reach of over 700,000 at one point trending at No2 nationally 16 official HE tweets resulting in 2,493 engagements and 150 new followers
Since Launch 437 registered users 19,262 published contributions 12,610 List Entries Enriched 18,051 contributions with images 28,888 images in total
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Highgate Cemetery
© Phil Hurd
www.historicengland.org.uk/etl martin.newman@historicengland.org.uk @MartinInfoMan © Phil Hurd