Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Tradition verses Science Sociology grew out of the social, political, economic, and technological revolutions of the 18th & 19th centuries. These revolutions resulted in sweeping changes that eroded old traditions. These changes, in turn, required new ways of perceiving and examining the social world. Factors that led to the development of Sociology in the mid-1800’s. Social upheaval in Europe as a result of the Industrial Revolution- People moved to the cities to find work.
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Tradition verses Science Sociology grew out of the social, political, economic, and technological revolutions of the 18th & 19th centuries. These revolutions resulted in sweeping changes that eroded old traditions. These changes, in turn, required new ways of perceiving and examining the social world. Factors that led to the development of Sociology in the mid-1800’s. 2. The American (1775-1783) and French (1789-1799) Revolutions caused people to re-think traditions.
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Tradition verses Science Sociology grew out of the social, political, economic, and technological revolutions of the 18th & 19th centuries. These revolutions resulted in sweeping changes that eroded old traditions. These changes, in turn, required new ways of perceiving and examining the social world. Factors that led to the development of Sociology in the mid-1800’s. 3. Impact of Imperialism*- confrontation and contact with other Countries forces Europeans to address cultural variations. *Imperialism, as defined by The Dictionary of Human Geography, is "the creation and maintenance of an unequal economic, cultural and territorial relationship, usually between states and often in the form of an empire, based on domination and subordination.”
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Tradition verses Science Sociology grew out of the social, political, economic, and technological revolutions of the 18th & 19th centuries. These revolutions resulted in sweeping changes that eroded old traditions. These changes, in turn, required new ways of perceiving and examining the social world. Factors that led to the development of Sociology in the mid-1800’s. 4. The success of the natural sciences provided the scientific method to examine social change.
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Auguste Comte (1798-1857) -the first person to actually use the term “sociology.” Interest? -What holds society together? -What creates social order- instead of anarchy or chaos?
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Auguste Comte (1798-1857) -the first person to actually use the term “sociology.” Theory? -To understand and answer these questions- you had to apply the scientific method to social life.
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Auguste Comte (1798-1857) -the first person to actually use the term “sociology.” Positivism: Def.- the application of the scientific approach to the social world. Problem? Comte did not conduct any research or actual studies- “armchair philosophy.”
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) -the second founder of Sociology -Coined the term “survival of the fittest.” Theory? -rejected social reform -societies evolve from lower (Barbaric) to higher (Civilized) forms.
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) -the second founder of Sociology -Coined the term “survival of the fittest.” Why “Social Darwinism”? -He envisioned an evolutionary model of society in which the most capable and intelligent members of society survive over generations of time- the less capable die out. -Charity and welfare interfered with the natural order.
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Karl Marx (1818-1883) He believed people should take active steps to change society. Class Conflict: Def.- Marx’s term for the struggle between capitalists and workers.
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Karl Marx (1818-1883) Bourgeoisie: Def.- Marx’s term for capitalists- those who own the means of production. Proletariat: Def.- Marx’s term for the exploited class, the mass of workers who do not own the means of production.
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Karl Marx (1818-1883) Revolution? Workers of the world would unite and topple the capitalists. Result? Society would be classless and free of exploitation and oppression.
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Karl Marx (1818-1883) Not Communism: Marx supported revolutions as the only way that the workers could gain control of society, he did not develop the political system called communism. “I am not a Marxist”- Karl Marx Not a sociologist: He was a scholar- focusing his studies on history, philosophy, economics and political structures.
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) -first to receive an academic appointment in Sociology at the University level. Goal: -to show how social forces affect people’s behavior. Durkheim used research to demonstrate his point.
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) Research: -studied suicide rates- hoping to show that suicide is a socially driven phenomenon. People with strong ties to other people & communities (Religious, marriage, etc.) had lower suicide rates than people with weaker social ties.
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) Social Integration: Def.- the degree to which people feel part of social groups. Durkheim was among the first sociologists to advocate practical applications of social research: Sociologists should actively “diagnose society’s ills” and , by discovering social facts through scientific research, develop practical remedies to address those “ills” (problems).
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Max Weber (1864-1920) -also a Professor of Sociology -completes the “trinity” of Sociology’s 3 most significant and influential founding figures (with Durkheim & Marx) Weber disagreed with Marx’s contention that Economics was the driving force of social change. Instead, Weber contended that religion, not class struggle, was the true motivating factor in the rise of capitalism. Catholic belief system? -Encouraged believers to hold onto traditional ways of life. As a member of the church- you are on the road to heaven.
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Max Weber (1864-1920) Protestant belief system? -Encouraged members to embrace change. -Looking for “signs” of God’s will (financial success). Weber called this self-denying approach to life the Protestant Ethic. Research: Compared the extent of capitalism in predominately Catholic vs. Protestant countries. Sociologists still debate whether economics determines culture (a Marxist formulation) or culture determines economics (a Weberian formulation.)
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Max Weber (1864-1920) Values In Sociological Research Weber raised a methodological concern that, like his theoretical contention about religion, remains influential and controversial among sociologists even today. According to Weber, sociological research should remain Value Free: Def.- the view that a sociologist’s personal values or biases should not influence social research. Values: Def.- the standards by which people define what is desirable or undesirable, good or bad, beautiful or ugly.
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Objectivity: Def.- total neutrality Replication: Def.- repeating a study in order to test it’s findings. -One of the ways that sociologists check for “value biases.” -Other researchers would conduct the same study to see if the results are consistent.
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Max Weber (1864-1920) Verstehen and Social Facts Weber stressed the need for objectivity in conducting research, but he also advocated for a subjective approach to understanding why people act as they do. Verstehen: Def.- a German word used by Weber that is perhaps best understood as “to have insight into someone’s situation.” “Grasp by insight” -Sociologists must put themselves in other people’s shoes to fully comprehend their motivations and/or actions. Subjective Meanings: Def.- the meanings that people give their own behavior.
Sociology Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective Origins of Sociology Durkheim believed that sociologists should focus primarily on uncovering social facts- the objective social conditions that influence people’s behaviors. Social Facts: Def.- Durkheim’s term for a group’s pattern of behavior. -We must use social facts to interpret social facts. Conclusion: Verstehen and social facts are not mutually exclusive types of social research. Contemporary sociologists often employ both approaches to examine and complement and inform each other.