Extended Project Exploration of Player Immersion By Bradley Carswell
Introduction Of My Idea My main focus with my project is the exploration of player immersion. My goal is to achieve, with the skills I have at hand, an immersive medieval fantasy themed environment. I plan to use a variety of skills such as 3D art, engine work and sound editing. The environment will be set within a Medieval marketplace and I will be using the variety of skills to create the immersion for the player.
Story Of My Environment My environment will be set within the medieval era. It will start with the player exiting a building and walking through a small marketplace browsing at the various items for sale. The environments story will be a linear. I want the environment to be telling the story through the aspects I discussed before.
Target Audience I will be using a specific psychographic for my target audience, which will be aimed towards people interested in Medieval history. This would be best suited towards my project as I decided that aiming it towards those who love history and especially medieval history would like to see my project.
Asset List Sounds Voice Over of Market Stall Sellers 3D Models Market Stalls Tavern House Signs Lanterns/Torches Landscape (Road, paths etc) Fire Pit Fruits Drinks (Bottles of wine, beer etc) Bottles of Potions Bandages/Medical Equipment Armour Weapons Shields Sounds Voice Over of Market Stall Sellers Footsteps for character Ambience Music Environmental Sounds (Birds Tweeting, wind blowing etc) Random chatter
Floor Plan (Sketches) Fence
My Work Plan Through my idea being quite broad across the range of skills I will be incorporating, I do plan to work at home when modelling and texturing and doing most of my engine work/interaction within college. I will be using sounds from online sound libraries to save time when doing my practical work and then editing those sounds to then add into the environment.
Thanks For Listening
Bibliography InfamousPrince, (2015), Witcher 3 cover art [ONLINE]. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Witcher_3_cover_art.jp g [Accessed 20 April 2017]. Intoxication, (2017), Mount & Blade: Warband Concept Art [ONLINE]. Available at: http://img.neoseeker.com/v_concept_art.php?caid=20466 [Accessed 20 April 2017]. BagronkeN, (2017), Chivalry: Medieval Warfare icon [ONLINE]. Available at: http://bagronken.deviantart.com/art/Chivalry- Medieval-Warfare-icon-654801868 [Accessed 20 April 2017]. MikeAllen, (2010), Ringstrilogyposter [ONLINE]. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ringstrilogyposter.jpg [ Accessed 20 April 2017]. textures.com. 2005. textures.com. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.textures.com/. [Accessed 20 April 2017]. Hang-Veng Ly, (2011), The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion 5th Anniversay Edition Banner [ONLINE]. Available at: http://www.esperino.com/wp- content/uploads/2011/07/The-Elder-Scrolls-IV- Oblivion-5th-Anniversay-Edition- Banner.jpg [Accessed 27 April 2017]. Jon Parsons, (2011), skyrim-banner [ONLINE]. Available at: http://telkomgaming.co.za/wp- content/uploads/2014/09/skyrim- banner.jpg [Accessed 27 April 2017].