Security in the Management Environment Industrial Security Lecture
Security Manager What is security? The protection of assets from loss. What are assets? This is can be anything. Some examples are data, physical property, trade secrets, processes, knowledge-related activities and of course, people. What is a security manager? A person who protects these assets through processes, people, and procedures. What do we mean by “Management Strategy”? One answer is the process of by which goals are achieved.
How old is the Security function? Nobody knows the answer to that question. It probably started when the first caveman (or woman) picked up a rock and defended their cave. As a profession, it’s new. Informal security operations and security jobs in the 1800s. Part of management in the last 50 years or so. American Society for Industrial Security, started in 1955. Security Industry Association-1967. National Council of Investigation and Security Services-1975. International Security Management Association -1975.
Security structure is dependent on the Structure of the organization For-Profit Corporations-Boeing, Starbucks. Non-Profit Corporations-some examples are Charities, Colleges, some healthcare. Government-Local, State and Federal.
Where does Security fit in the organization? Depends on the organization-”Typically” it’s part of the Human Resources sections, along with Safety and Health or it’s part of facilities management. If we’re talking about data protection it could be in the Information Services (IS) section.
Examples of Services Alarm Monitoring Guarding of people and property Executive protection Computer security Facilities management Training of staff in security awareness Investigations Compliance in government regulations Loss prevention Risk management Safety activities Lots of other stuff
Code Of Ethics The quality of professional security activity is depended on the observing special standards of conduct. Results from a study conducted by John P. Clark and Richard C Hollinger involving 9,500 workers in all levels of employment and three geographical area, found security personnel ranked among the highest in ethical standards. The American Society for Industrial Security requires conscientious observance to there code of ethics as a condition of membership.
The Business of Protecting Business. To defend and protect the organization’s people and property (assets) through crime and loss prevention.