Powerful solutions For your student recruitment in 2017/2018 with Digital Education Marketing
Digital Education Marketing What we do Digital Education Marketing International Students Since 1996 StudyLink has provided platforms for prospective students to research and compare institutions and courses worldwide. Domestic UK Students In 2013 DEM introduced Coursefindr for Domestic UK students, featuring cutting edge search tools and informative articles.
Central Institution or department What we can do for you Central Institution or department Institution profiles and premium course listings Full worldwide visibility Available for institutions or departments Your course listings collected as part of booking Emails to our registered users Full worldwide visibility or targeted by region Available for institutions or departments Banner advertising Course of the week/Skyscraper/MPU banners & Text Adverts Social media promotion campaigns
International student recruitment With StudyLink.com Over 2 Million Visits 200+ Countries and Territories PG, UG & Foundation
Location and Subject directories On StudyLink.com
Interactive, relevant search results On StudyLink.com Clickable matching Courses and Institution names take the student to the relevant information Visit button takes the student directly to the course page on your site or the main international page Save button for shortlisting courses
Institution profiles On StudyLink.com
Banner Advertising StudyLink Coursefindr On StudyLink.com Industry standard banner sizes supported on StudyLink and Coursefindr, including: Leaderboard: 728px by 90px Medium Rectangle: 300px by 250px Skyscraper: 120px by 600px Wide Skyscraper: 160px by 600px StudyLink Course of the week (leaderboard) MPU banner Skyscraper banner Text Advert Text Advert Coursefindr Wide Skyscraper banner
StudyLink.com audience demographics Gender, age and study level Gender Age Study Level of Searches 55% Male 51% 30% UG/ Foundation PG/MBA Female 8% 4% 49% 2% 1% 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Years Data from Google Analytics (does not report on U18’s)
Emails to registered users Users of StudyLink.com Over 50,000 registered users worldwide Shared Emails Worldwide StudyLink News email Distance Learning email Targeted emails, segment by: Countries/regions Subject area
Study abroad blog Increase engagement with our student users StudyLink.com/blog Increase engagement with our student users Articles linked-to in feeds throughout StudyLink Content posted to our social media activity
For domestic UK students Coursefindr.co.uk For domestic UK students UK Undergraduate & Postgraduate Targeted, central or departmental profiles Advanced course search filters
For domestic UK students Coursefindr.co.uk For domestic UK students Extensive study advice content Undergraduate and postgraduate articles Responsive clean design
CPC campaigns on Coursefindr Variable pricing CPC campaigns on Coursefindr Increase engagement with our student users Articles linked-to in feeds throughout StudyLink Content posted to our social media activity
Manage your information online Online Editor Manage your information online Edit profile information Bulk amend courses Upload courses from spreadsheets Immediate online updates XCRI-CAP feeds supported Reporting built in Data collection services
Our data from StudyLink & Coursefindr Shared insights Our data from StudyLink & Coursefindr Periodic reports on key segments Global search terms Destination markets Country of origin Subject areas
What to expect from DEM products Developments in 2017 What to expect from DEM products Improved reporting in Editor Broken link checker URL breakdown available in Editor Conversion optimisation across products Refreshed StudyLink advice & article directory Open day promotion Improved free product offerings
Thank You Tel: +44 (0)1332 411 111 Email: advertising@demltd.com