Chapter 10 Father Involvement and Family Literacy Wasik, B. H. (2004). Handbook of family literacy. New York: Routledge.
Father Involvement Father-child interactions around literacy Nature and effect of father's involvement in children's’ academics Father’s parenting style Father’s engagement with the family
Background issues in fatherhood and families
Framing of fatherhood is influenced by research and studies on the family Prior to the 1960’s Nuclear family Fathers provided economically Western interpretation of fatherhood
Examining the roles of fathers from multiple perspectives Cultural Socioeconomic Residence of the father Incarceration Employability Racial “What fathers do with and for their children is much more important than whether fathers simply co-reside or have frequent contact with the”, (Gadsden, Fagan, Ray, & davis,2001)
Fathers’ involvement in children’s schooling and early years
Father’s involvement in school Nord, Brimhall, & West, 1997 Two parent families with moderately to highly involved fathers– Students were more likely to achieve high marks in school Enjoy school Less likely to repeat a grade Non-resident fathers who were involved- Similar results Involvement with children Mothers were more involved Fathers how had not earned a high school degree Less likely to be involved
Difficulties involving fathers Time constraints Large majority of teachers are women Difficult relation with the mother (if separated, divorced, or remarried) Programs may not focus on fathers
Fathering programs and practice
Focus on Fathers Resources for Children’s Health (RCH) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Non-profit Primary focus Supporting in parenting role Male empowerment Employment Legal problems 2 hours per week for 12 consecutive weeks 400+ men each year 75% African American, 20% Latino, 5% other ethnic groups
The Fatherhood Initiative Program (FIP) Philadelphia Mayor’s Office for Community Support Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Primary focus (fathers only) Responsible fatherhood Holistic parenting Empower fathers to assume emotional, moral, spiritual, psychological, and financial responsibility for their children Understand the challenges of fatherhood Increase fathers skills in building and sustaining healthy relationships 6 – 8 weeks 400 - 500 men each year 80% from children’s protective services 20% court system and law enforcement 50% retention rate
Changing Fatherhood Raising Him Alone Campaign Addressed single women raising sons Work with Open Society Institute’s Campaign for Black Male Achievement No direct services Provide services through social networking and technology 13, 000+ receive Raising Him Alone Newsletter Hundreds of men receive daily motivational messages on being a father Advocacy Support groups Referrals to programs and services
Support from research
Research shows real and potential significance of the father’s role in literacy Programs face multiple challenges in serving fathers Research examines How and whether fathers understand literacy Do mothers and fathers differ in their understanding of literacy Programs and their roles in supporting fathers in family literacy Research is currently evolving and addressing the area of fathers
My Daddy Reads to Me