Model Based Engineering of Blowout Preventer Hydraulic Controls Thursday, February 16, 2017 5:30 PM Networking 6:00 PM Program Model Based Engineering of Blowout Preventer Hydraulic Controls Mete Mutlu is a Mechanical Engineering Ph.D candidate at the University of Houston and an assistant in Professor Matthew Franchek’s research team. Mete is working on model based design, analysis, control and diagnostics of multi-physics systems. Blowout preventer (BOP) is electro-hydraulic equipment for managing wellbore fluids and for sealing the well in the event of influx. Performance and reliability analysis of blowout preventers have many challenges due to size, complexity and sensor availability. Mete will present the application of model based methods to assess design and availability of blowout preventer hydraulic control circuits. Presenter Location Transocean, Room C-100 Concourse Level 4 Greenway Plaza Houston TX 77046 ISS Conference Center, 1800 Space Park Drive, Ste. 100, Nassau Bay, TX 77058 This event is FREE and focused on Systems Engineering professionals. INCOSE membership is not required. If you plan to attend, attendance and location is requested by noon Feb 15th at For more information or to attend via telecon and web-meeting, please see: Feb Program Website RSVP