Aim: what are the stages of e-commerce? Do Now: Handout
First Stage - Electronic Brochure Second Stage - Corporate Expansion Third Stage - On-Line Buying & Selling Fourth Stage - Integration E-Commerce Stages
Third stage – On line buying & selling A. Help consumers: Order products Pay with credit card B. Sites include 1. Order forms 2. Links to other sites that the consumer might be interested in Third stage – On line buying & selling
Third stage Convenienc Ease of use C. Sights are designed for: Convenienc Ease of use Purpose of site is to serve the customer Ex. Links, news articles, product review, gift ideas, special promotions and account information. Third stage
Fourth stage INTEGRATION A. THE CUSTOMER KNOWS ALL ABOUT THE COMPANY The customer can make purchases The business knows all about the the customer Complete an on-line form Talk to the customer (phone or in person) The GOAL: Build relationship between the business and the customer Fourth stage
Let’s review: Describe each of the stages of E- Commerce What is the purpose of on-line buying & selling sites? What do these sites include? What is the purpose of the sites? How does it meet this purpose? What is the goal of integration?
Complete Link project sheet H.W. Finish project. Today’s activity