Introduction/Course Description Mrs. Claudia Allen- Williams Gifted and Talented Specialist SRMS Contact info: claudia.allenwilliams@lcps.org 571-434-4420 Introductory notes.
Spectrum Teacher responsibilities Welcome Spectrum Teacher responsibilities Provide enrichment for gifted students. Screening students for the gifted program. Advocate for gifted students. Prep sessions for students applying to Thomas Jefferson High School FREE OF COST). A schedule design for optional periods of time/objectives.
Gifted Behaviors that are Nurtured General Intellectual Ability Creativity Logical Thinking and Reasoning Leadership Motivation Adaptability
SPECTRUM PROJECT THEMES All projects in the SPECTRUM program are based on the following themes… Business and Economics Communication and Culture Technology and Engineering Ethics and Perspectives
Main Goals of the GT PROGRAM THREE MAIN GOALS: Problem finding as well as Problem solving. Constructing personal meaning. Authentic self assessment.
Half the music block, 45 minutes, every other day. Spectrum scheduling Half the music block, 45 minutes, every other day. Spectrum students do not have Resource: expectation that students will meet all obligations across all curriculum areas without having Resource. Objectives for instruction and expected results and/or skills developed from learning.
Materials for class 1 inch binder- To compile a portfolio of their work. Paper, pencils Project materials requested. Other Materials available in the classroom: markers rulers etc. Relative vocabulary list.
PROJECT MATERIALS TO BE SAVED AT HOME FOR SPRING PROJECT… Paper towel rolls (as many as possible) Toilet paper rolls (as many as possible) Wrapping paper rolls 4 shoe boxes (per student) Cereal boxes (4-8)
Curriculum CURRICULUM ONLINE at LCPS, 45 page document. To access please go to the county website, click on Academics, Gifted and Talented- Explore the information there. Beginning course details and/or books/materials needed for a class/project.
Students work alone or in groups. Current Projects FEED THE FROG All grade levels Critical Thinking Activity for first 5 minutes of class, 2 or 3 levels of difficulty Students work alone or in groups.
Projects in Progress: 6th and 7th and 8th grades 6TH GRADE: Self discovery and affirmation exercise: Creating individual Memoirs 7TH GRADE: Creating individual Mandalas 8TH GRADE: Individual Silhouettes Aim: to encourage self expression, sense of pride/ individuality.
Creative Writing Exercises (New) All grade levels Once every two weeks Students invited to look inward before expressing their feelings and ideas Students write to express themselves creatively Activities aligned with the common core standards To help build an appreciation for writing
Projects: 6th and 7th Grades Pencil Company (business) Improving the Future: (exploring giftedness) Mystery Box (6th grade) Creativity Day Murder Mystery Simulations: Survivals Tanglers
Spring Projects 6th Grade: Skateboard Science Using the sport of skateboarding to demonstrate different principles of Physics (Expo component…parents invited) Dig It: Students create a new culture 7TH GRADE Inventions (Expo component…parents invited)
Projects in Progress: 8th grade National Engineers Week Future City Project STEM emphasis (Using design and engineering to solve real world problems) Current Theme: THE POWER OF PUBLIC SPACES Hoping to enter the Regional Competition to be held in January 2017 We need an engineer mentor to compete!! UPDATE: WE HAVE A PARENT VOLUNTEER! FINALS: February 2017
Dilemma (Decision making/ problem solving simulation) Projects To Come: Dilemma (Decision making/ problem solving simulation) Math Mysteries Creativity Day Murder Mystery Tanglers Verdict
Evaluation and Assessment Use of specific project Rubrics For student self evaluations as well as teacher evaluations (project based) Daily teacher observations and evaluations of Gifted Behaviors Semester evaluations. Two page document). Areas being assessed- Thinking Skills Research Skills Independent Learning Skills Interactive Learning Skills A list of procedures and steps, or a lecture slide with media.
Evaluations and Assessments Self Evaluations and Teacher Evaluations (semester self evaluations :yellow or green copy goes home with students). Teacher evaluations: sent home with students at semester’s end.
Finally CONTACT INFO: Website http://www.loudoun.k12.va.us/cms/Workspace/Sec tion/Section.aspx?DomainID=4183 Information and project updates available there. Enrichment opportunities to be listed as I receive them. QUESTIONS???
Graphs/Charts 1 Example graph/chart.
Graphs/Charts 2 Example graph/chart.
Conclusion Add your conclusions here. Conclusion to course, lecture, et al.
Questions/Discussions Question One Discussion Question Two Questions Three An opportunity for questions and discussions.