Roaming through Romans 3 3. The God Whose Name is Just Romans 3v1-8 God never broke His promises to the Jews His promise was to those who believed & obeyed 9v6-8, 10v16-21, He kept for Himself a remnant of true believers 11v1-5 God always does the right thing v4, Ps 51v4 God’s right judgements glorify His justice v5 Hell: An eternal testimony to God’s just & true character All Heaven worships God for the justice of hell Rev 19v1-4 An eternal, ever-present testimony to God’s justice Rev 14v10-11 Hell isn’t a place where God isn’t, but where His justice & wrath is God keeps His promises of blessing & of condemnation
Roaming through Romans 3 3. The God Whose Name is Just Romans 3v1-8 3rd Jewish reaction If sin makes God’s justice burn brighter, is He unjust to punish sin? v5 Flawed human logic is wrong, not God’s Word v6 Judgement is based on what the law demands: Justice v7-8 A look at the heart of the Judge He must punish the guilty, but He’d prefer to save them Ez 33v11, 1 Tim 2v3-4 The glory of the Cross of Christ The ONLY place where God’s infinite wrath & love are satisfied The Cross brings God the highest glory Phil 2v8-11