The study of humankind at all times, and in all places Anthropology The study of humankind at all times, and in all places Cultural Studies • Archaeology • Physical Anthropology• Linguistics
Behavior Humankind is behaviorally unique: We adapt to our environment by using Ideas! Observations Beliefs Innovation and Invention
CULTURE The most potent ability ever possessed by any creature since the beginning of Life on Earth: What is it? How does it work? Where did it come from?
Past Cultures Archaeology Interprets past cultures through analysis of artifacts and features left behind: Activities Behaviors Technologies Social Structure
Origins Humankind is biologically unique: We are the only species without subspecies What are the origins of humanity? How and why have we changed over time? What is adaptation and how is it related to evolution?
Human Variation People are different from, yet similar to each other. What are the differences? What are the similarities? Why are humans so different from all other creatures on earth?
Biocultural Evolution We adapt to our environment BIOCULTURALLY – Not through biological response alone!
Science A method used to evaluate natural phenomena Observations Become your data Proposed Explanation Develop a hypothesis Test your hypothesis Evaluate results of your test REJECT or FAIL TO REJECT your hypothesis
Pre-science Ideas Shamanistic Animism Animatism Religion Polytheism Monotheism
Art and Tools
Cave Art
Portable Art
Lamarckian Evolutionary Change
Darwinian Evolution
Lamarck vs. Darwin
Adaptive Radiation
Origin of Life on Earth All life on earth is related through common proteins! What are proteins? How are they made? Where do they come from?
Genetics Cells Nucleus Organelles DNA Genes