Welcome to 5th Grade! Mrs. Riefenberg - Math & Science Ms. Stapleton - Language Arts & Social Studies
Students’ Daily Schedule: Mornings are spent in homeroom. Lunch: 11:47-12:10 Recess: 12:10-12:32 Afternoons are spent in the opposite classroom.
Essentials Schedule Room 301: Room 302: M 9:25-10:25: Chinese M 9:25-10:25: PE T 9:25-10:25: Music T 9:25-10:25: Chinese W 12:35-1:35: PE W 12:35-1:35: Music Th 9:25-10:25: Art Th 9:25-10:25: Chinese F 9:25-10:25: Music F 9:25-10:25: Art 10:25-11:25: HSDC 8:25-9:25: HSDC
3rd-5th Grading Policy Assessments/Projects - 45% Classwork - 35% Homework - 10% Participation 10%
Math Resources Search You Tube videos by Duane Habecker under Eureka Math Grade 5 Module# Lesson# Khan Academy My webpage http://mitchellschool.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=40772&type =u
Homework Please check your student’s agenda and take home folder often! Agenda: Students are given time every day (in both classrooms) to write down assignments in their agendas. Take Home Folder: Papers on the left should be staying home. Papers returning to school should be on the right.
Homework - What to Expect Nightly Math Homework (usually not Fridays) Occasional Science Homework Reading (at least) 40 Minutes Each Night Weekly Reading Responses (Due on Mondays) Current Events Expert (1 student per week) **If a student misses 3+ homework assignments in a week, they will serve a detention**
Behavior Management: Class Dojo & The 7 Habits We have already started to use Class Dojo! Please let one of the teachers know if you need login codes, or more information about how it works! Most of our points in Class Dojo are focused on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. If you’re interested, there are books for small children, teens, and families!
What are The 7 Habits? Be Proactive The Opposite? Begin with the End in Mind Put First Things First Think Win-Win Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood Synergize Sharpen the Saw The Opposite? Reactive Unprepared Off task Disrespectful Not Listening