7th Grade Task Your task is to select gifts for each member of your family within a total budget of $5000. You will search the internet to find the gifts. You are also provided with discount coupons and sales tax. You must keep your spending within your budget. Have fun shopping!
7th Grade Process Search the internet using a variety of websites and look through flyers to find a gift for each member. Make a table of your gifts in excel. A template is included on Ms. Devitt’s webpage. You must save it as “LastNameExcel” on your student number. Round each price to the nearest penny. Once finished you will complete and print a four paragraph paper: Intro What is the importance of understanding sales tax and discount? What is another situation where percent change can be used? Explain. Conclusion
Here are some conditions that can be found on your rubric… Must Have: At least 10 items At least three family members. Only one item can exceed $1,000. Maximum limit on one item may be $1500.
7th Grade Evaluation Novice (4 and below) Apprentice (5) Practitioner (8) Expert (10) Table Table is unorganized/Not complete Table is unorganized. Table is slightly organized, some things are labeled. Table are accurately labeled, organized, neat Budgeting Shows little attempt to come up with a solution to planning a budget and total exceeds or comes within $1000 Reveals an unsuccessful attempt to plan a budget and total comes within $500 Features acceptable solutions to planning a budget and total comes within $250 Effectively uses a budget to plan expenditures and total comes within $100 Calculating Savings Features significant mathematical errors in calculations on savings in the use of coupons Features frequent mathematical errors in calculations on savings in the use of coupons Correctly calculates the savings in the use of coupons Accurately and efficiently calculates savings in the use of coupons Paper A lot of spelling and grammar mistakes. Poor sentence structure. No or little connection of activity to percents. Some spelling and grammar mistakes. Poor sentence structure. Some in-depth thoughts on percents. Proper spelling and grammar. Good sentence structure. In depth thoughts on percents. Proper spelling and grammar. Great sentence structure.
Important Sale Information! All Clothing 25% All Electronics 15% All Books, CDs, Videos 10% Everything Else 5%
What you will “turn in” Save your project to your student number until you are ready to turn in your project. (So no one accidently works on/changes the wrong project) To turn in your excel spreadsheet you will save Usershares MS Labs Ms. Devitt Period ____ You will print your essay and turn in to Ms. Devitt.