Response to Intervention
Connecting Academics and Behavior
What is Response to Intervention (RtI)? RtI is a comprehensive approach to the initial diagnosis of children with possible learning disabilities, behavior difficulties, and/or speech impairment. Students performing below grade level are given tiered, evidence based interventions in the general education setting. Students who make expected rates of progress with interventions are considered appropriate for the general education setting.
What is RTI B? Just as we have RTI for academics, we must also have RTI for behavior. RTI B is: Examining schoolwide behavior supports and interventions (even if not an official PBIS school) Developing actionable plans for children who aren’t responding to traditional methods Direct teaching of expected behavior Data driven Creating meaningful intervention plans based upon antecedents, behaviors, consequences Plans have components addressing preventing, teaching and reinforcing of desired behaviors. * Forthcoming additional information.
When is RtI required? RtI is required for students who are suspected of having a Specific Learning Disability (SLD) in one or more of the following areas: 1. Basic Reading (sight vocab. & decoding) 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Reading Fluency 4. Written Expression 5. Math Problem Solving 6. Math Calculation 7. Listening Comprehension 8. Oral Expression
Georgia’s State Regulations for SLD Eligibility Specific Learning Disability is determined through professional judgment using multiple supporting evidences that must include the following three components: 1. Data Collection At least two current (within 12 months) assessments such as the results of CRCT, norm-referenced achievement tests, or benchmarks indicating performance that does not meet expectations for grade level standards Information from the teacher related to routine classroom instruction and monitoring of child’s performance
Georgia State Regulations for SLD Eligibility 2. Supplementary Instruction Is provided for a minimum of 12 weeks At least four data collections of progress monitoring occur during the 12 weeks 3. Parent Communication Strategies and interventions and the progress monitoring results are presented to the parents at regular intervals. These three components must be collected and considered PRIOR to conducting a formal evaluation for special education
RTI Timeline Kid Talk (Approximate time frame) Tier 2 4-6 weeks of Tier 2 Interventions and at least 3 data points (progress monitoring). Student Support Team (SST) (Approximate time frame) Tier 3 12 weeks of Tier 3 interventions and at least 4 data points (academics). 6-8 weeks of Tier 3 interventions and at least 4 data points (behavior).
Informal Collaboration (IC) during Kid Talk Two or more certified staff members: Grade Level and/or Other Teachers Informal Collaboration Team Special Education Teachers Special Area Teachers Data Support Specialists (DSS) Speech Language Pathologists (SLP) Counselors/Psychologist/IST ESOL Teachers EIP Teachers CST Instructional Coaches Graduation Coaches School Social Workers Administrators
Tier 2 Procedures Discuss the student with your PLC team. Decide on and complete starting information on the Kid Talk Log: a. Identify the Area of Need: Use DRA, STAR and/or common formative assessment data to support concern. b. select a related, research-approved intervention. c. select a progress-monitoring tool
Tier 2 Procedures (Continued) Complete Easy RTI documentation a. Language Checklist b. Justification c. Area of Concern/ Specific Area of Need d. Goal e. Interventions f. Progress Monitoring
Tier 2 Procedures (Continued) Targeted interventions provided 3-5 times per week Interventions provided 15 minutes each time Groups of 8 or less students Progress monitoring 2x per month (once every 2-3 weeks) Minimum of 6 weeks at Tier 2- if progress is being made, stay at tier 2 or move to tier 1
Tier 3 Procedures Intensive interventions provided 4-5 times per week Interventions provided 30 minutes each time Groups of 4 or less Progress monitoring weekly Minimum of 8-12 weeks at tier 3 (12 weeks for academic concerns)
Tier 3 Procedures (Continued) Complete Tier 3 file: Language checklist (if one has not already been uploaded) Skills inventory or behavior skills inventory Minutes from each Tier 3 meeting Interventions and progress monitoring information and data (including previous graphs of data) Parent questionnaire Consent for hearing and vision Current area of need, goal, intervention chosen, progress monitoring chosen, progress monitoring data
Navigating Easy RTI Katie Phelps And Caitlin Robinson
How do I get there? Log into the Employee Portal Click Fulton Connect
How do I get there? Then, Click Easy Applications
Then search for the student by name. How do I change a Tier? Click Students Then search for the student by name.
How do I change a Tier? Tier 2: Tier 3: Once you find the student, you will need to make sure you have: Tier 2: Language Checklist Tier 3: Behavior Skills Inventory Skills Inventory Go to Documents (under RTI Process) to access this.
How do I change a Tier? Tier 2: Tier 3: Once you find the student, you will need to make sure you have: Tier 2: Language Checklist Tier 3: Behavior Skills Inventory Skills Inventory Go to Documents (under RTI Process) to access this.
How do I change a Tier? Once your checklists are complete, make sure you click “Create Final Document!”
How do I change a Tier? Once your checklists are complete, click RTI Process then Planning to input the Tier information.
How do I change a Tier? Here is where you change a tier and input a justification, interventions, and progress monitoring tools. Make sure you select the correct subject area!!!
How do I change a Tier? Enter in a justification as to why you are changing the tier and select Tier 2 or 3 in the drop down menu.
How do I add a Specific Goal? Select the Area of Concern and click on the blue triangle to access the drop down menu. Click Add once complete.
What about the Instructional Options? Don’t worry about entering in the Instructional Options! You can skip this part!
How do I add an intervention? Select an approved intervention from the list provided. Make sure you enter in the provider, frequency, duration, and delivery method!
How do I add a Progress Monitoring Tool? Select STAR as the progress monitoring tool and click ASSOCIATE.
How do I add a Progress Monitoring Tool? Once you’ve clicked ASSOCIATE, return to the Area of Concern tab and enter in the Provider and Frequency of the progress monitoring tool.
How do I log intervention days? This is where you log each day that you provide interventions to the student.
How do I log intervention days? Find the area you want to log the intervention for and click LOG.
How do I log intervention days? Once you log the information and click LOG, green checks will appear on the intervention days.
How do I log progress monitoring data points? This is where you log any data points for any progress monitoring done other than STAR. Example: Tracking reading fluency. STAR automatically loads the progress monitoring data points.