Energy How to use Safety Diagnosis Bilingual Kit Log V3.4 Release 1.0 21 mai 2018
Quick Assessment Use the table to make quick assessment of installations : At your arrival When looking for a new building to rent Useful to do a quick assessment of the 5 essential safety rules If the building is noted : 0 to 3 / 10 : Building need emergency works, contact the HQ to estimate works 4 to 7 / 10 : Works are to be planned. It is necessary to plan adapted budgets to perform it during the next 6 months 8 to 10 / 10 : The building is at minimum standard level. You can plan small works to improve user’s safety conditions 21 mai 2018
Quick Assessment 1-Choose language and fill country/city/base/date 2-Use one column per building, for example : Column 1 : Main office Column 2 : Programs office Column 3 : Guest 1 … if more than 5 building, save as a new file 3- For each building, indicate type of use, if existing backup and fill indicator following your observations When done, see your note and send the file to 21 mai 2018
No possibilty of direct contact = 1 pt Basic safety rule #1 No possibilty of direct contact = 1 pt That happens especially with detached switches and outlets, when an equipment is removed and not replaced, on bad connection of two wires If you notice nude wires or any possibility of direct contact, you have to make works to avoid them 21 mai 2018
Basic safety rule #2 No electricity more close than 1,5 m from water = 2 pt No wire, socket, switch or electrical equipment of any kind That concerns bathrooms, kitchens, any room with tap, … And also water dispensor ! Because of possible leackage Water Computer UPS Photocopier 21 mai 2018
Do not wait the incident or somebody obliges you to do it ! Basic safety rule #2 Whatever skills or countries, a local electrician is able to create a new socket outlet and to disconnect & seal the old one. Do not wait the incident or somebody obliges you to do it ! => Remove these items from water immediately 21 mai 2018
Electrical panel (switch board) = 3pts Basic safety rule #3 Electrical panel (switch board) = 3pts Building must have an electrical switch board => 1pt Correctly fixed, without signs of burn => + 1pt With adapted protections => + 1pt 1pt 2pt 3pt 21 mai 2018
Basic safety rule #4 Size of cables = 1 pt 21 mai 2018
Wires have to respect minimum standard sizes Basic safety rule #4 Wires have to respect minimum standard sizes An under-sized cable if hot, and can burn. If you don’t have any electrical notion, but you touch a wire and you feel it is hot, it is not normal ! and you have to change it. That mainly happens with heavy equipment (boilers, heaters, air conditioning, …), with long wires, and with overload multi-plugs. Wire undersized is the first cause of fire starts ! Please refer to electrical and saftey guidelines to choose the size of wires. 21 mai 2018
Basic safety rule #5 Earth connection for equipment using water = 1 pt (washing machines, boilers, water heater, dispensors, water pumps, …) Building fitted with Residual breaker = 1 pt To verify it, you can use an outlet tester => (order at HQ or locally if you are not equipped) If you do not have testor = 0 pt If testor indicate earth connection = 1 pt (3 lights illuminated on HQ model) Residual breaker can also be tested with same testor. If the tested outlet is well fitted earth connection follow this process : Plug the testor in an outlet where is connected an equipment using water Set the button to « 30 mA » Verify that sensible equipment are switched off (NAS, IT devices, …) and push the red button : If tested outlet is not powered anymore (3 lights are off) = 1 pt If tested outlet still powered anymore (3 lights are illuminated) = 0 pt 21 mai 2018
Basic safety rule #General If you have any doubt, don’t touch… …and ask a local electrician or the HQ Use local resources : With working currently on the building, local electricians are more efficient to detect and solve problems Regular works subcontracting to local electrician allow them to maintain their skills. To not care of installation maintenance is like transform maintenance operation in renewal works, generally difficult to assume for the base or the mission. In case of no local skills, or to verify/estimate local works : Contact the HQ => 21 mai 2018