Tobacco Road Elementary Annual Title I Meeting October 18, 2016 6:00pm Ny McRae, Principal Josephine Lane, Admin. Intern
What is Title I? Title I is a federally funded program under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965. It provides assistance to improve the education of children in high poverty schools, enabling those children to meet state academic content and performance standards.
What is a Title I school? If the number of low-income students is above 75 percent, a school may be identified as a Title I School. The school may use Title I funds to create a schoolwide program to improve achievement, thereby serving all children in the school. If it is below 75 percent, the school must target its assistance to the lowest-achieving students.
Tobacco Road Schoolwide Program Tobacco Road is revising its’ Schoolwide Program in September. A copy of the 2016-2017 plan will be posted to the school’s website and a notebook for parents to view will be in the front office. The Title I Schoolwide Plan consists of data results that are being used to make academic decisions towards budget spending to increase student achievement.
How does Tobacco Road participate in the Title I program How does Tobacco Road participate in the Title I program? Spend Title I money? Last year, Tobacco Road participated in the Title program by… Providing a Literacy Paraprofessional Purchasing educational software for the computer lab Purchasing intervention materials for the Georgia Milestones test (3rd – 5th grades)
A Parent’s Right to Know During registration period, a letter was enclosed with each registration packet entitle ANNUAL PARENT RIGHT TO KNOW LETTER. This letter informed the parents that you have the right to request your child’s teachers’ training and credentials. You may inquire about the following: the teacher’s certification for grade level/subject area if the teacher is teaching under emergency or temporary status what undergraduate or graduate degree(s) the teacher holds whether your child is provided services by a paraprofessional, and if so, their qualifications
Definition of Parental Involvement Parent/Family Involvement is the participation of parents and/or families in every facet of the education and development of children from birth to adulthood, recognizing that parents are the primary influence in their children's lives. Effective parent involvement takes many forms including: communicating, parenting, student learning, volunteering, school decision making and advocacy, and collaborating with the community.
School Parent Involvement Policy Title I School Parent Involvement Policy - how the school involves parents in organized, ongoing and timely ways in the planning, review and improvement of programs and provide opportunities for parents to learn how to work with our children to improve their achievement. Must be reviewed and revised annually with parents. Two training sessions were offered for parents to learn more information concerning the policy. Along with a revision meeting. The 2015-2016 School Policy will be distributed during Fall Parent – Teacher Conferences.
School-Parent Compact Title I School-Parent Compact – outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. Must be reviewed and revised annually with parents. Two training sessions were offered for parents to learn more information concerning the policy. Along with a revision meeting. The 2015-2016 School Compact will be distributed during Fall Parent – Teacher Conferences.
Parent Survey The Title I Parent Survey is an assessment to poll parents to get their input on school related issues concerning the academic success of their children. Tobacco Road Elementary School is a Title I school, and as the parent of a child attending a Title I school you are an important part of the Title I team. Your input is vital in the planning and the implementation of the parent involvement program and the activities in our school. This information is used to design a program that will help children become more successful in school by working with their parents during these important years.
School Council Committee What is the purpose of the School Council Committee? To advocate for the students and the school To promote an environment of understanding To serve as a bridge between the home, the school , and the community Assist in the implementation of Title I programs, plans, and activities. Who can participate on the Committee? The committee is made up of parents, community volunteers, and school staff.
Title I Parental Involvement Money Parent Facilitator Resources Parent Facilitator Training Supplies for Parent Resource Room Resources for Parents to Check out and take home
Your Involvement is Key to Your Child’s Success! You are your child’s first teacher. You have the ability to influence your child’s education more than any teacher or school. You know your child best: Share information about your child’s interests and abilities with teachers; and ask to see progress reports on your child and the school. Keep the school up to date on contact information
Curriculum & Testing Requirements Tobacco Road classrooms are Standards-Based. Common Core Georgia Performance Standards are through researched best practices in every classroom. RCBOE Curriculum Maps are provided for each teacher and are supported through resources designed to provide optimal instructional support. Testing Requirements as determined by the GaDOE and RCBOE are followed and used to determine teacher effectiveness and student growth. I-Ready Benchmark Tests SLOs Georgia Milestones
Programs to Assist Students Tobacco Road has several programs in place to assist students with achieving and meeting school goals. Response to Intervention/RTI Pearson Mathematics Benchmark Literacy Early Intervention Program/EIP I-Ready Assessments Guidance Counseling Volunteer Programs Georgia Online Assessment Common Core Coach Resources B.Y.O.T.
Thank You If you have any questions, please contact Ny McRae, Principal 706-796-4658