Leveraging/Maximizing Current State Initiatives and the Successes of Other States to Implement and Sustain Goals Julie Bowers, Nevada Department of Education Joe Morgan, University of Nevada Las Vegas Nevada SSC Team
State Sharing What state initiatives, such as the SSIP, have been aligned or considered in the development of your blueprint? 5 – 8 minutes Participants will be asked this question. They should begin by sharing with a partner, then move to a room share-out.
Landscape of Nevada 17 public school districts State sponsored charter school Carson county – district sponsored charter school 69% of total students are in Clark County Schools District sponsored charter schools 14% of Total students are in Washoe County Schools District sponsored charter school 17% in remaining 15 school districts Fun fact- Esmerelda County has 75 students total
Alignment Process Development of the SSC and SLT All EPPs in state are represented Invited key personal from LEAs to represent both urban and rural districts Considered alignment to state initiatitves, invited SEA personal associated with initiatives Development of the Blueprint Final cohort…less time! Align to SSIP, SPDG, MTSS Teacher shortage and Nevada Educator Performance Form (NEPF) Align to efforts at EPPs (leadership example)
Essential Questions How to think about choosing essential key people to the table, specifically at the state level, to move the work forward and maximize the time of the CEEDAR grant? How can alignment of current state and EPP initiative with the CEEDAR blueprint aid in reform forward when a state only has a short period of time? What challenges have you had to overcome in developing and connecting a wide variety of needs across a vastly diverse state to develop a statewide plan? Assign each table a question to discuss, then bring back to the larger group
Who should I connect with later and what should I follow up? Final Thoughts What is important to share with my team that helps my context, lessons learned or things to avoid? Who should I connect with later and what should I follow up?