Ms. Hatch, What are we doing today?


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Presentation transcript:

Ms. Hatch, What are we doing today? 4/13/17: TUESday Turn in: Chi-Square Questions Have Out: Non-disjunction paper & Chart from last class. WU: 1. Three minutes to answer Calcs questions Papers to Pick Up * Pedigree WS AGENDA: Review WU Genetics Practice/Links HOMEWORK: FLINN Prep: AP Organismal Exam Linked Genes Packet: due Tues AP Study Cells Review: due Tuesday

Type (Mode) of Inheritance Normal (Complete) Dominance Sex-Linkage Incomplete Dominance Codominance Examples TT or Tt = tall tt = short XAXA = Normal female XAXa = Normal/carrier female XaXa = sick female XAY = Normal male XaY = sick male BB = Curly hair Bb = wavy hair bb = straight hair AA = polka dot skin Aa = polka dot & striped skin aa = striped skin DD or Dd = Horns dd = no horns XBXB = sick female XBXb = sick female XbXb = normal female XBY = sick male XbY = normal male TT = tall Tt = medium FF = Star shaped eyes Ff = Square eyes with stars ff = square eyes Patterns: Crosses:

Dihybrid Practice In pea plants, the green color allele (G) is dominant over yellow color allele (g) for seed color and tall (T) is the dominant allele in plant height. Parents heterozygous for both traits are cross-pollinated. What % of the offspring are: Tall plant, green seeds: Tall plant, yellow seeds: Short plant, green seeds: Short plant, yellow seeds:

Codominance In Smileys, eye shape can be starred, circular, or a circle with a star. Write the genotypes for the pictured phenotypes   Show the cross between two circle-star eyed.  How many of the offspring are circle-eyed How many of the offspring are circle-star eyed? How many are star eyed?

Blood Type Dating?

Blood type Practice Two parents that are blood type AB and O have a child. What is the genotype of the parents? What is the probability that their child with have blood type: AB: O: A: B:

Incomplete Dominance What are the Genotypes? Straight: Curly: Wavy: What are the genotypes and phenotypes for a cross with straight x wavy parents?

Cut off Scores Multiply your score by 1.03 Cut Offs: 2: 15.5998 3: 25.6882 4: 35.844 5: 45.9998

Color Blindness Test What do YOU see?

Image 1 Both the normal and those with all sort of color vision deficiencies read it as 12.

Those with red-green deficiencies read this as 3. Image 2 The normal read this as 8. Those with red-green deficiencies read this as 3. Those with total color blindness cannot read any numeral.

Those with red-green deficiencies read this as 70. Image 3 The normal read this as 29. Those with red-green deficiencies read this as 70. Those with total color blindness cannot read any numeral.

Image 4 The normal read this as 5. Those with red-green deficiencies read this as 3. Those with total color blindness cannot read any numeral. 

Those with red-green deficiencies read this as 5. Image 5 The normal read this as 3. Those with red-green deficiencies read this as 5. Those with total color blindness cannot read any numeral.

Those with red-green deficiencies read this as 17. Image 6  The normal read this as 15. Those with red-green deficiencies read this as 17. Those with total color blindness cannot read any numeral. 

Those with red-green deficiencies read this as 21. Image 7 The normal read this as 74. Those with red-green deficiencies read this as 21. Those with total color blindness cannot read any numeral.  

Image 8 The normal read this as 6. The majority of those with color vision deficiencies can not read them or read them incorrectly.

Image 9 The normal read this as 45. The majority of those with color vision deficiencies can not read them or read them incorrectly. 

Image 10 The normal read this as 5. The majority of those with color vision deficiencies can not read them or read them incorrectly.

Image 11 The normal read this as 7. The majority of those with color vision deficiencies can not read them or read them incorrectly.

Image 12 The normal read this as 16. The majority of those with color vision deficiencies can not read them or read them incorrectly.

Image 13 The normal read this as 73. The majority of those with color vision deficiencies can not read them or read them incorrectly. 

The majority of those with red-green deficiencies read this as 5. Image 14 The majority of the normal and those with total color blindness cannot read any numeral. The majority of those with red-green deficiencies read this as 5.

The majority of those with red-green deficiencies read this as 45.. Image 15 The majority of the normal and those with total color blindness cannot read any numeral. The majority of those with red-green deficiencies read this as 45..

Image 16 The normal read this as 26. A Color Blind person may only see a 2 or 6 depending on the type of poor color perception

A color blind person may only see the upper or lower half. Image 17 The normal color vision person will see both colors that make up the path back to the X A color blind person may only see the upper or lower half.

Image 18 In tracing the winding line between the two X's, the majority of those with red-green deficiencies trace along the line, but the majority of the normal and those with total color blindness are unable to follow the line.

Image 19 In tracing the winding line between the two X's, the normal trace the bluish-green line, but the majority of those with color vision deficiencies are unable to follow the line or follow a line different from the normal one.

Image 20 In tracing the winding line between the two X's, the normal trace the line connecting the bluish-green and the yellowish-green, those with red-green deficiencies trace the line connecting the bluish-green and purple, and those with total color blindness cannot trace any line.

Image 21 In tracing the winding line between the two X's, the normal trace the line connecting the purple and orange, those with red-green deficiencies trace the line connecting the purple and bluish-green, and those with total color blindness and weakness cannot trace any line.

Sex-Linked Practice Cross a normal vision father with a colorblind mother.

#8 c. III, II, IV, V, I

#7 c. D is the child of B and C.  

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