IEEE 802.21 MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN: 21-06-0601-00-0000 Title: IP Address Configuration Method IE of Higher layer services/information Date Submitted: May 2006 Authors or Source(s): Soohong Daniel Park Abstract: This document proposes a new IE as IP Address Configuration Method to allow mobile node to prepare its IP address configuration method prior to attaching a new PoA.
IEEE 802.21 presentation release statements This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE 802.21 Working Group. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.21. The contributor is familiar with IEEE patent policy, as outlined in Section 6.3 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual <> and in Understanding Patent Issues During IEEE Standards Development>
Higher layer services and information IEs What we already have: TYPE_IE_POA_SUBNET_INFORMATION (per PoA) TYPE_IE_POA_CAPABILITIES (per PoA) Security Available (Y/N) QoS Available (Y/N) Emergency Service Available (Y/N) Others Consensus to increase IE’s utilities were made by Higher Layer IE Adhoc at Denver meeting.
Name of Information Element A new IE Table 7 – Information Elements No Name of Information Element Description Representation Length (octets) 4.3 TYPE_IE_POA_IP_CONFIG_METHODS Bitmap of IP address configuration method supported by a PoA Bit 0: IPv4 static configuration Bitt 1: IPv4 dynamic configuration (DHCPv4) Bit 2-10: reserved for IPv4 address configurations Bit 11: IPv6 stateless address configuration Bit 12: IPv6 stateful address configuration (DHCPv6) Bit 13: IPv6 manual configuration Bit 14-31: Reserved Variable PoA IP Configuration Methods Type Description Length Value TYPE_IE_POA_IP_CONFIG_METHODS PoA IP Address Configuration methods Variable PoA IP Address Configuration methods bitmap Bit 0: IPv4 static configuration Bitt 1: IPv4 dynamic configuration (DHCPv4) Bit 2-10: reserved for IPv4 address configurations Bit 11: IPv6 stateless address configuration Bit 12: IPv6 stateful address configuration (DHCPv6) Bit 13: IPv6 manual configuration Bit 14-31: Reserved