Kindergarten Here I Come!! Being Socially and Emotionally Ready for Kindergarten Tips from Project Enlightenment, Wake County Public School System 501 S. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27603 • 919-856-7774 •
Introduction to Student Services Kelly Wiener – School Counselor (K-1) Katherine O’Connor- School Counselor (2-5) Bonnie Mulfinger – School Social Worker Kristen Johnson – School Psychologist
Social and Emotional Skills for Kindergarten Accepts limits set by adults Plays cooperatively and participates appropriately in a group (able to share and take turns) Follows basic rules, routines, and adapts to small changes Demonstrates some degree of independence and can separate from parents Respects people and property Begins to identify and express own feelings appropriately Persists with a task even when difficult Accepts help without becoming upset
Tips to encourage social/emotional growth Provide opportunities for your child to play with other children. Role play different scenarios that may occur during play with your child. Describe to your child ways of solving disagreements with others. Let your child know that all feelings are okay.
To Help Children transition… Visit the school. (Attend an orientation at the school in the spring, attend a spring carnival, or play on a school playground.) Practice “cafeteria style” eating at a local restaurant and practice opening food packages. Also, allow your child to serve himself from bowls at home. Shorten your child’s naptime a few weeks before school starts. Adjust your child’s sleep schedule several weeks before school begins - remember that a child needs at least 10 hours of sleep each night. Help your child choose a school bag and label it with his or her name. Also, choose a place in your home to put things each night to take to school each day. Talk about what will be familiar at kindergarten as well as what will be new. Be positive - your child takes cues from you.
To Help Parents Transition…. Recognize that you are in transition, too. Expect to feel scared and sad in addition to feeling excited about your child starting kindergarten. Think through and plan for food, transportation, and schedule changes. (When does school begin and end? What about before and after school care? Where is the bus stop? How much does lunch cost?) Talk to someone about your feelings. (Know that other parents are feeling the same way!) On the first day of the first full week of Kindergarten there will be a Kindergarten social for parents in the media center to talk to each other as well. Get involved! Volunteer in your child’s class, join the PTA, and volunteer in the school. Remember that your attitude will determine your child’s attitude. Your positive support of school increases your child’s confidence and success.
Helpful Books Books about Transitions, Changes, Feelings: Cain, Janan, The Way I Feel. New York: Scholastic Inc., 2001. Kraus, Robert, Leo the Late Bloomer. New York: Windmill Books, 1971. Penn, Audrey, The Kissing Hand. Washington, D.C.: Child Welfare League of America, 1993. Reid, Mary, How Have I Grown? New York: Scholastic Inc., 1995. Rusackas, Francesca, I Love You All Day Long. Harper Collins, 2003. Books about Kindergarten: Carlson, Nancy, Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come! New York: Viking, 1999. Howe, James, When You Go to Kindergarten. New York: Morrow Books, 1995. Rockwell, Anne, Welcome to Kindergarten. New York: Walker and Co., 2001. Senisi, Ellen, Kindergarten Kids. New York: Scholastic Inc., 1994. Wild, Margaret, Tom Goes to Kindergarten. Morton Grove, IL: Albert Whitman, 2000. Books about Starting School: Bourgeois, Paulette, Franklin Goes to School. New York: Scholastic Inc., 1995 Forward, Toby, What Did You Do Today? New York: Clarion Books, 2004 Hort, Lenny, The Seals On The Bus. New York: Scholastic Inc., 2000. Numeroff, Laura, If You Take a Mouse to School. New York: Laura Geringer Books/Harper Collins, 2002. Thompson, Lauren, Mouse's First Day of School. New York: Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2003
We are looking forward to next school year!!