Identify each of the words in Spanish and then decide whether the infinitives are ar, er, or ir verbs. to draw to work to run to read magazines to write stories to dance to ride bikes to go to school ar verbs er verbs ir verbs
Answer the following questions: ¿Te gusta ver la tele? ¿Te gusta usar la computadora? ¿Te gusta pasar tiempo con amigos?
Negatives To make a sentence negative in Spanish, you usually put “no” in front of the verb or expression. No me gusta cantar. I do not like to sing. Es lunes. No es viernes. It’s Monday. It’s not Friday.
To answer a question negatively in Spanish, you often use “no” twice. The first “no” answers the question. The second no says, “I do not/don’t …” ¿Te gusta cantar? Do you like to sing? No, no me gusta cantar. No, I don’t like to sing.
In Spanish, you might use one or more negatives after answering no. ¿Te gusta cantar? Do you like to sing? No, no me gusta nada. No, I don’t like it at all. If you want to say that you do not like either of two choices, use “ni…ni…” No me gusta ni cantar ni bailar. I don’t like either singing or dancing. I don’t like neither singing nor dancing.
¡A practicar! Answer the following questions negatively in Spanish using complete sentences. ¿Te gusta bailar? ¿Te gusta correr? ¿Te gusta nadar y esquiar? ¿Te gusta dibujar y escribir cuentos?