The Question How will transport be in the future if we have a post apocalyptic Ice Age?
The Idea My idea is to create a concept transport for the future in case of an Ice Age. I will do this by investigating what an ice age is. How can modern transport be modified to fit that environment. What kind of technology can we use. I will produce a concept transport which could be a car, flying car, some new type of transport. This will be decided through tests, research and concept ideas.
Research sections My first part of the research will be what is an Ice age and how it can affect the world. The history of an ice age. Watch documentary's, films such as 2012, The Day after Tomorrow. Second part of my research will be what transports are there now which are being used in Antarctic environments. Lastly, researching what kind of technology can we use. How the chassis can be made to help in these conditions.
Research I watched an episode of top gear. In this episode Jeremy Clarkson races Richard Hammond to North Pole. He uses a Truck specially modified for conditions in Antarctica. This was a good show which gave me an idea of what technology could be used and how it can be designed to suit arctic conditions.
Research During the last 2.6 million years or so in the Quaternary period, ice ages, were times of extreme cooling of the Earth's climate where ice sheets and other types of glacier expanded to cover large areas of land. Between ice ages there were warmer periods and we are now living during such a time. There have been many ice ages during the last 2.6 million years but when people talk about the Ice Age, they are often referring to the most recent period, which peaked about 21,000 years ago and ended about 11,500 years ago. What causes ice ages is not completely understood. The composition of the atmosphere, changes in the position of our planet around the Sun, and changes in ocean currents are some of the important factors that control the climate. Which is happening now (Global Warming)
Research I was reading an online article and I found out that the earth could be heading for an ice age or maybe even a mini ice age. Based on readings from 30,000 measuring stations, and data issued from Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit, confirmed that rising trend in world temperatures ended in 1997. Which started in 1749, Now the sun is heading towards a ‘grand minimum’ in its output, threatening cold summers and bitter winters. Which could lead us to an ice age in the years to come. So how can we change the way we live and how we use transport if an ice age was to happen in less than a hundred years.
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