VAN DE GRAFF Generator By Gary Zhong
What is an ATOM?
What is an atom made of? 1. Protons: positive charge 2. Electrons: negative charge 3. Neutrons: no charge
Analogy: Planets orbiting the sun
Where are the basketballs and tennis balls located?
“Like charges repel, opposite charges attract”
Glass rod and silk cloth demo
Hair and comb demo Combing your hair moves electrons from your hair to the comb The comb will now have an electric static charge
What is a Van de Graff Generator? The basic fundamental principle behind this apparatus is separating opposite charges at both ends of the rubber belt
Key Materials Motor Belt Metal sphere Rollers and Brushes
How it works!
Zoom in on our hair
Hair raising demo
Electric spark demo
Has anyone felt a shock on dry winter days? THE SAME PRINCIPLE APPLIES
Thank You