What Every Successful Student Should Know What can I do today to prepare for tomorrow?
Know your School Counselor Adam Keel, 7th and 8th Grade keel.adam@lee.k12.al.us Office is located beside ISS and the SRO officer Your counselor addresses your concerns: academic, personal/social, and career Counselors keep information confidential or on a need to know basis, unless you or someone else is getting hurt. Remember your counselor is here to HELP!
Why would you want to START today making good choices? Confidence in your decisions Possess a sense of success Be a role model to others in your family Set yourself up for greater success Earn more money over your lifetime Lower unemployment More choice and flexibility in your job And many more reasons!
What can you do today to START making good choices? Be a GREAT student Think about your FUTURE Seek POSITIVE people
What makes a great student? What do great students do? 1. Be a GREAT student ? What makes a great student? What do great students do?
What makes someone a great student? Gets good grades Possesses Organization Skills Tries hard each day Curious Enjoys learning and trying new things Completes and turns in assignments Committed Involved in school activities Shows up – few absences Asks questions
Helpful Hints from Upperclassmen Come to school. Be on time to class/school. Be prepared for class. Book – notebook – pencil – paper! Do your best from the beginning so you aren’t playing catch-up your entire high school career. Actually study for tests. Studying should be an on-going process. Do not cram. Ask for help if you need it. Don’t be afraid to ask questions in and out of class. Find a homework buddy for each class in case you are absent or forget something at school.
Helpful Hints from Upperclassmen Do your work. Your own work! Don’t procrastinate. Pay attention to your teachers. They know what they are talking about! They have something important to tell you. Take good notes in class. Organize your locker and your notebooks. Dress out for P.E. Pass your classes the first time around.
Helpful Hints from Upperclassmen Use your planner to keep track of assignments and due dates. Turn in your work on time! If you miss the due date, turn it in just in case your teacher gives partial credit. Turning in work shows the teacher what you know. There are no study packets at the end of the year to bring up your grade. Know what it takes to graduate. Keep track of your own credits. Grades matter!
Weekly Homework Planner Idea Assignments/Goals Test/Projects (with dates) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend
Weekly Homework Planner Idea Step 1 List everything that you have to do for a whole week. Step 2 Give every job or activity a time and place. Write this on a time chart. Step 3 Make changes in your schedule as the week passes, if you need to. Step 4 Check off each item on the schedule after you have completed it. Step 5 Reward yourself when you finish a very hard task.
Good habits include… Being on time Staying organized Working well with others/Showing teamwork Practicing good time management Being resourceful Reading and learning Setting goals Taking responsibility for one’s actions Listening Asking for help
Semester Grades Progress Reports 4 ½ Weeks 13 ½ Weeks Report Card 18 Weeks at the end of each Semester In high school (grades 9-12), this grade is posted on your transcript and will count toward your grade point average (GPA).
2. Think about your FUTURE ? What do the next six years look like? What do you want to be when you grow up?
Graduation Requirements 4 English credits 4 Math credits 4 Science credits 4 Social Studies credits 1 PE for LIFE credit ½ Health credit 1 Career Preparedness credit 3 CTE, Fine Art, or Foreign Language credit 3 ½ Elective credits TOTAL OF 25 CREDITS
Helpful Hints from Upperclassmen Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities Students entering the 8th & 9th grades must have passed, at least five new subjects with a minimum composite numerical average of 70 in those five subjects. No pass. No play. Breakdown of Grades Assessment– The process of gathering information that reflects levels of student achievement. Tests, quizzes, essays/papers, projects, portfolios, and presentations are all examples used to assess understanding of a subject or area of learning. Classwork– Work that is assigned and intended for completion in class. Homework–Reviewing notes, reading a chapter in the text, book reports, projects, and other types of written work are examples of homework a junior high school student might expect. Homework grades are included in the student’s academic average.
A week’s pay…
What that looks like in a year…
“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” -Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple ? Take a glimpse into your future… What do you want to see in your future? If you could become anything you wanted, or accomplish anything you wanted in life, what would it be? Why?
3. Seek POSITIVE People ? Who are positive people in your life that believe in you? Why is it important to be surrounded by positive people?
People who believe in you and make good choices will help you succeed As part of a research project conducted, 7-12 grade students were asked about their relationships and interactions with adults. Of the 1,264 students who participated in the survey, 46% reported having other adults besides their parents who they can turn to for advice and support. The teens reported having frequent, in-depth conversations with these adults. Ideally, three or more adults play this role in the lives of each teen. A teen is more likely to grow up healthy with three or more non-parent adults providing this extra encouragement and support. (http://iowa.uwex.edu/files/2010/12/CaringAdultsMentors0207.pdf)
People who believe in you and make good choices will help you succeed Did you know that your chances of going to college are higher if: You have parents and teachers who believe you? You have mentors who support you? You have friends who go to college? So, spend time with people who want you to be successful and will support you! Write a thank you note to one positive person in your life today.
Helpful Hints from Upperclassmen Get involved at school and in the community. It helps to build your resume. Go to school events. Get to know your peers. Show respect for classmates, adults, and school property. Don’t believe, start, or spread rumors.
Helpful Hints from Upperclassmen Read the Code of Conduct, Student Handbook, and Course Description Guide to know what is expected of you. Follow the dress code. Keep your cell phones OFF! Figure out the best times to go to your locker. Don’t carry all of your books with you all day long. If you have locker trouble ask a teacher, counselor, administrator, or custodian for help. Stay out of trouble.
Discipline Summary
Helpful Hints from Upperclassmen It’s important to take school seriously but still enjoy it. Understand that people can change a lot during high school… you will probably change too! Your 7th and 8th grade years lay the foundation for your high school career and is just as important, if not more important than your Senior year.