A Babysitting Nightmare It all starts when your mom asks you to babysit Tommy, your little brother. You don’t really mind—Tommy is usually well-behaved. The two of you go for a walk. The sky turns dark and cloudy and it looks like rain. You decide to go home, but that means taking a shortcut past the “castle,” a dark, scary-looking house that everyone tries to avoid. It is particularly gloomy today. In the dim light, the thorn bushes are like monsters reaching out at you. You jump when you hear a voice behind you. Keep Reading… References
When you turn around, you see Tommy running through the front door! An elderly couple has stopped in front of the house to ask for directions. Relieved, you explain what they need to know. When you turn around, you see Tommy running through the front door! You run up to the door and knock. No one answers. You knock once more… no answer. Then you hear loud shrill laughter. “Tommy!” you yell. The door is unlocked, so you run in… Click on the door to enter.
Click on this door to enter the attic. Click on this door to enter the basement. Tommy is in here somewhere, and you have to find him. Ahead of you are two doors. It looks like one door goes up into the attic and the other down into the basement. Which one should you go through?
As I enter the attic, I hear a squeaking laughter in the room As I enter the attic, I hear a squeaking laughter in the room. As I look into the pitch black room I see a white shadow cross me. I jump and fell into a puddle full of blood. When I saw my little brothers coat I wanted to burst into tears. Mom would kill me if me if I don’t get me and Tommy out of hear. I see a chair I want to take a rest so I sit in the chair and I see these wires and I realize this is a electric chair. I run and scream TOMMY where are you!!!! There are two doors. The door on the left leads to the alligator pond, and the door on the right leads to a hidden room. Which door should I go through?
As I walked down the stairs toward the basement As I walked down the stairs toward the basement. I heard something walking behind me. When I turned around, it was a zombie with glowing red eyes. When it tried to grab me, I moved and tripped the zombie. It rolled down the stairs and hit the ground. When it hit the ground it broke into a thousand different pieces. I looked around the creepy basement. I noticed skeletons hanging from the walls with chains around it. I also noticed Tommy’s wallet laying on the floor. When I turned around I saw two doors. The door on the left went to the a secret room behind the library. The one to the right goes to a secret underground tunnel. Which way should I go?
You have chosen to go to the alligator pond You have chosen to go to the alligator pond. Fortunately for you, it’s dried up and it now leads to the secret room in the library. When you go to the secret room in the basement. You find a little boy tied up. When you room the hood off his head you notice that its not tommy. The little boy told me that the keeper of the house lured him in this place by offering him candy. When I came in this crazy man tied me up. My name is Jason, “I think I know where Tommy is. Follow me. “ He crawled through a small door which took us to the
You have chosen to go through a small door that leads to the basement You have chosen to go through a small door that leads to the basement. When you get there. Jason says, “We need to take the door on the right. It leads to where this guy has taken Tommy.” Jason exclaimed, “We need to grab that shovel. We’ll need it!” As we entered the underground tunnel we heard Tommy crying. The man was tying Tommy up tightly with ropes. When I screamed “Stop, the man turned to look at me. Then Jason hit him in the head with a shovel. “That will keep him out for a few hours. Lets get Tommy and make a run for it!”
References Slide 1 Martin…T. Spooky House. August 19, 2011. http://www.flickr.com/photos/59228855@N03/6059209910. Slide # Last name, first name of creator. Title. Date created (if available). Website location (URL).