Guernsey population census 2016 15th WGCF Conference Hamilton, New Zealand
Global Guernsey numbers 2013-15 From 39,000 to 45463 in 2015. Conservative recorded estimate submitted by societies – current estimates that there may be approximately 50,000 Guerneseys worldwide, that societies aren’t aware of, or are in non-member countries 16% growth 2013-15 3.8 annual growth
Country populations 2015 Australia – 2500 Guernsey – 2759 NZ – 605 S. Africa – 2500 USA – 34000 UK – 3241
Country populations 2013-15
Country population breakdowns Total Pedigree Total Non Pedigree Country 2013 2014 2015 Australia 1226 1273 1379 1043 1083 1129 Canada Guernsey 2587 2644 2759 NZ 70 65 75 530 535 S. Africa 1850 U.S.A. 25000 27000 30000 5000 4500 UK 2762 2792 2528 907 815 713 Grand Total 31645 33774 36741 7480 7433 8722 16% growth in 3 years 5% CAGR No data for Canada or South Africa that is confirmed.
Global Production 2013-15 Year Lactations Average of Milk per cow in 305 days (kg) Avg % Protein Avg % Fat Average of Calving interval (days) 2013 12211 5918 3.49 4.64 389.6 2014 11799 5836 3.50 4.65 388.8 2015 11759 5903 3.53 4.66 388.4 No data for Canada 2014/15
Global Registrations 2013-15
Global Registrations – country breakdown % by country of total population – pedigree + grade
Pedigree registrations 2013-15 No data available for South Africa, Canada does not have data submitted for 2015 year US Guernsey Association offered incentive for breeders to catch up on registrations in 2015
Milk per cow in 305 days (kg) Average of Calving interval (days) Country Number lacts Milk per cow in 305 days (kg) % Protein % Fat Average of Calving interval (days) Australia 2269 5581 3.43 4.40 332 Canada 375 6952 3.45 4.64 Guernsey 1172 6019 3.52 5.17 420 NZ 497 3985 3.65 4.65 365 S. Africa 794 5654 3.51 4.27 409 U.S.A. 4251 7409 3.30 4.51 UK 2853 5824 3.54 4.81 422 2013 Total 12211 5918 3.49 389.6 Australia 2356 5609 3.38 4.34 334 Guernsey 1142 6199 3.55 5.17 421 NZ 496 4159 3.70 4.76 365 S. Africa 656 5852 3.48 4.27 405 U.S.A. 4215 7313 3.32 4.57 UK 2934 5884 3.57 4.81 419 2014 Total 11799 5836 3.50 4.65 388.8 Australia 2508 5683 3.37 4.31 329 Guernsey 1136 6150 3.60 5.12 418 NZ 505 4180 3.70 4.88 365 S. Africa 531 6145 3.55 4.34 407 U.S.A. 4153 7450 3.33 4.59 UK 2926 5813 3.63 4.74 423 2015 Total 11759 5903 3.53 4.66 388.4
Members 2013-15 Decline from 1031 in 2013 to 908 in 2015 (active members)
Demographic of herd size
By year % breakdown < 10 cows 10 to 49 cows 50 to 99 cows 100+ cows 2013 39.02% 38.40% 13.82% 8.76% 2014 39.81% 38.10% 13.69% 8.40% 2015 42.77% 37.11% 12.11% 8.02%