Overview and Purpose Overview of tools developed in the GSICS GRWG GIRO (GSICS Implementation of the ROLO model) by EUMETSAT (C) GIRO input/output handling utilities by EUMETSAT (IDL) GDWG GSICS plotting tool by EUMETSAT (Java and GWT) SRF netCDF converter by NOAA (python) netCDF metadata checker by NOAA (Java and shellscript) Framework to automatically generate GSICS products, proposed by CMA GIRO output netCDF checker (to be developed) GLCWS_14.10 The GSICS Data Working Group is asked to develop a procedure for verifying users’ implementation Purpose of this presentation To introduce the GIRO and GRWG requirements To discuss the feasibility of developing the GIRO output netCDF checker To discuss tools to be developed in future (GSICS product checker) GRWG requirements
Topic 1) GIRO - Introduction (not a bicycle race!) GIRO (GSICS Implementation of the ROLO model) by EUMETSAT (C) A tool to calculate reference values for the lunar calibration (GRWG VIS/NIR sub-group) To be shared within the lunar calibration community (GSICS, CEOS/IVOS,…) Input/Output files: follow the GSICS filenaming/netCDF convention Outcome from the original GIRO is only considered as “legal” However, someone needs to modify the source codes to implement the GIRO to his/her agency’s computer system Needs for the checker which validates the consistency of the GIRO output with the original one GLCWS_14.10 The GSICS Data Working Group is asked to develop a procedure for verifying users’ implementation
Requirements for the GIRO output netCDF checker To compare the GIRO outputs by users with reference data Reference GIRO outputs To be executed under certain conditions (32/64 bit Linux, Mac OS X, …) One netCDF file for each instrument GIRO output netCDF contains time series of the results (similar to RAC) Checking items Values of all the variables (and dimensions, attributes) Global attributes should also be checked (from the GSICS point of view) Output of the checker Printout / Output checking results Text messages are enough How to check the consistency by a third person Ask users to provide dataset to be checked (under gentleman’s agreement) Ask users to submit source codes. A third person build the executable, run that, and compare with reference data (robust but time-consuming check) In this case, automation process (e.g., web apps) would be preferable
GDWG Proposed Solution for issued on the GIRO output checker S1: GDWG to develop the checker Pros: experience could be applicable to the GSICS Correction checker Cons: limited human resources S2: GRWG to develop the checker Pros: GDWG can save human resources Cons: less reliable on the comparison result (from GDWG point of view)? Q: Is this a role of GDWG? (I think so)
Topic 2) GSICS Correction checker Existing checker To check netCDF metadata, developed by NOAA in 2013 Need a template (reference) file for each product (and algorithm type) Now, only GOES/Imager and MTSAT-2/Imager GEO-LEO-IR are supported Proposal If we enhance the functionality to check not only metadata but also variables, this could be a “GSICS Correction Checker” Would be useful for GRWG developers (no official requirements at present) Could be useful for GDWG members (in particular a chair) when we check the GSICS Correction through the GPPA Are you interested in this checker? FYI: CF-convention checker
GDWG discussion on the details on the proposed solution (to be updated in the discussion) The GDWG accepted/rejected the GRWG proposal because… Resources Needed: Man Days Effort: Prepare a documentation and develop the GIRO output netCDF checker - 2 weeks. Enhance the functionality of the GISCS metadata checker – 4 weeks. HW & SW Procurements: not applicable Input Data Acquisition Effort: not applicable Proposed Time Scale: GIRO output netCDF checker is required as soon as possible once GIRO source codes become available (planned in 2015), so this change should be done by the end of 2015 GSICS Correction checker is useful, but no need in a hurry, so this change is expected to be done by the 2016 GSICS annual meeting Deliverables: New / enhanced GSCIS netCDF checker(s) Priority of the Task: GIRO output netCDF chcker: High – by the end of 2015 GSICS Correction chcker: Low – by the next GSCIS annual meeting
Agenda item summary; assign action identifier, make EP recommendations and propose a lead for the action (to be updated in the discussion) Action Identifier: GDWG_15.XX: XXXX to … Substantial effort if required by the GDWG, GDWG chair should inform this activity to GSICS Executive Panel, and ask for feedback regarding: Should GDWG resources be used to update the GSICS bias plotting tool for GSICS activities. The GDWG estimates 6 weeks of resources is needed to support this action. Identify the Working Group Member Taking the Lead on this Action: XXXX The EP is invited to comment on this if the action is to be performed.
End of Presentation: Thank you for your attention WMO GSICS Portal GSICS Coordination Centre - GSICS Product Catalog - EUMETSAT’s Data and Management Server