Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session


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Presentation transcript:

Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 0 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X A Story of Ratios Grade 6 – Module 5 NOTE THAT THIS SESSION IS DESIGNED TO BE 105 MINUTES IN LENGTH. Welcome! In this module focus session, we will examine Grade 6 – Module 5.

Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 1 minute MATERIALS NEEDED: X Session Objectives Examination of the development of mathematical understanding across the module using a focus on Concept Development within the lessons. Introduction to mathematical models and instructional strategies to support implementation of A Story of Ratios. ( 1 minute) Our objectives for this session are: Examination of the development of mathematical understanding across the module using a focus on Concept Development within the lessons. Introduction to mathematical models and instructional strategies to support implementation of A Story of Ratios.

Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 0 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Agenda Introduction to the Module Concept Development Module Review (1 minute) We will begin by exploring the module overview to understand the purpose of this module. Then we will dig in to the math of the module. We’ll lead you through the teaching sequence, one concept at a time. Along the way, we’ll also examine the other lesson components and how they function in collaboration with the concept development. Finally, we’ll take a look back at the module, reflecting on all the parts as one cohesive whole. Let’s get started with the module overview.

Curriculum Overview of A Story of Ratios Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 0 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Curriculum Overview of A Story of Ratios (1 minute) The third module in Grade 6 is called Area, Surface Area and Volume Problems (click for red ring). The module is allotted 25 instructional days.

Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute Module’s Foundation Standards: Pages 18-20 in the Progressions Document (K-6,Geometry,) serves as a foundation. (6 minutes) Locate “K-6, Geometry” progressions document in your extra materials. Take a few minutes to read and highlight interesting areas and key take aways that you would like to discuss with the whole group. (After 4 minutes) As you read this portion of the document, what were some of your key take-aways? (Click twice after participants share their thoughts.) Answers will vary.

Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute G6-M5: Module Overview (3 minutes) Turn to the Module Overview document. Our session today will provide an overview of these topics, with a focus on the conceptual understandings and an in-depth look at select lessons and the models and representations used in those lessons. Take a moment to look at the table of contents at the beginning of the Module Overview. Notice the Module is broken into four topics which span 19 lessons with a bonus model lesson after lesson 19. Following the Table of Contents is the narrative section. Focus and Foundational standards, as well as the standards for Mathematical Practice are listed in this overview document as well. You will want to read the entire document at your leisure, following today’s session.

Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute G6-M5: Module Overview (7 minutes) Turn to the Module Overview document. Take four minutes to read through and highlight key areas that you would like to discuss with the whole group. Three minutes to share with whole group.

G6-M5: Vocabulary and Representations Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute G6-M5: Vocabulary and Representations (3 minutes) Let’s start by looking at the vocabulary, tools and representations that are used in this Module. They are located near the end of the Module Overview document. What questions might you have about the vocabulary?

Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute G6-M5 Topic Overview Topic A: Area of Triangles, Quadrilaterals, and Polygons Topic B: Polygons on the Coordinate Plane Topic C: Volume of Right Rectangular Prisms Topic D: Nets and Surface Area (1 minute) The Module is broken into four topics which span 19 lesson with an additional modeling lesson after lesson 19. Our session today will provide an overview of these topics, with a focus on the conceptual understandings along with an in-depth look at select lessons and the terminology and representations used in those lessons.

Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 0 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Agenda Introduction to the Module Concept Development – Topic A Module Review (1 minute) Let’s take a closer look at the development of key understandings in Topic A.

Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: X minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Topic A: (4 minutes) Turn to Topic Opener A in your materials. Read the Topic Opener to yourself. What conceptual understandings and mathematical representations are included in Lessons 1-6? What is your previous experience with this material? Take a moment to discuss with table members the ways in which students develop a deep understanding of positive and negative numbers.

Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 0 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Agenda Introduction to the Module Concept Development – Topic B Module Review (1 minute) Let’s take a closer look at the development of key understandings in Topic B.

Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: X minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Topic B: (4 minutes) Turn to Topic Opener B in your materials. Read the Topic Opener to yourself. What material is included in Lessons 7-10? What is your previous experience with this material? Take a moment to discuss with table members the ways in which students develop a conceptual understanding of the ordering of rational numbers and absolute value.

Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute Lessons 1 – 10 Lesson Study 20 minutes Half of the participants will study Lessons 1 – 5 and the other half will study lessons 6-10. Participants will read through their lessons for 10 minutes. The whole group will share for ten minutes their findings on the lessons. Discussion will include but will not be limited to how the lessons match the progressions document, how the lessons build upon each other, and any questions or concerns participants have with the material.

Mid-Module Assessment Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 0 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Mid-Module Assessment Complete Question 4 from the Mid-Module Assessment. Share your completed task with a table partner. With your partner, refer to the rubric and sample student work for this question and compare your own findings. Which standards relate to this question? Which Mathematical Practices are embodied in this task? What challenges might students face as they complete this task? How does students’ work in Topics A and B prepare them for this task? (9 minutes) Following Topics A and B is the Mid-Module Assessment. There are 4 questions; but you will complete just one right now – question 4. It is listed in your additional materials. Take 5 minutes to complete the question. (After 5 minutes:) Spend the next 2 minutes sharing your completed task with table members. Following your share-out session, take a minute to refer to the rubric and sample student work for this question, provided in the Module’s materials (After 3 minutes:) Which standards relate to this question? Which Mathematical Practices are embodied in the task? What are the challenges students might face as they complete this task? How does students’ work in Topics A and B’s lessons prepare them for this task?

Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 0 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Agenda Introduction to the Module Concept Development – Topic C Module Review (1 minute) Let’s take a closer look at the development of key understandings in Topic C.

Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: X minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Topic C: (4 minutes) Turn to Topic Opener C in your materials. Read the Topic Opener to yourself. What material is included in Lessons 11-14? How do Topics A and B prepare students for Topic C?

Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 0 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Agenda Introduction to the Module Concept Development – Topic D Module Review (1 minute) Let’s take a closer look at the development of key understandings in Topic D.

Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: X minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Topic D: (3 minutes) Turn to Topic Opener D in your materials. Read the Topic Opener to yourself. What material is included in Lessons 15-19? How do Topics A, B and C prepare students for Topic D?

Lessons 11 – 19a Lesson Study Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute Lessons 11 – 19a Lesson Study 20 minutes Half of the participants will study Lessons 11 – 15 and the other half will study lessons 16-19a. Participants will read through their lessons for 10 minutes. The whole group will share for ten minutes their findings on the lessons. Discussion will include but will not be limited to how the lessons match the progressions document, how the lessons build upon each other, and any questions or concerns participants have with the material.

End-of-Module Assessment Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: X minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X End-of-Module Assessment Count off at your tables 1, 2, 1, 2…. so that half of you will answer question 1 and the other half will answer question 5. Complete Questions 1 or 5. When everyone at your table is finished, the 1’s will discuss their question and then the 5’s will discuss their question. Whole group share: What is the progression from Topic A through Topic D? (8 minutes) Let’s take a look at the End-of-Module Assessment: questions 1 and 5. Count off at your table 1,2,1,2... , so that half of you will complete question 1, and the other half will complete question 5. Locate the questions in your additional materials and complete your assigned question independently. When everyone at your table is finished, the 1’s should discuss their question (question 1), and the 2’s should discuss their question (question 5)*. (*Remind participants that they may spend time outside of this session completing the entire assessment and analyzing the sample student responses and rubric.) (After 6 minutes) What is the progression from Topic A through Topic D? We have come full-circle back to where we began today’s session: the progressions document. You are encouraged to read the document again outside of this session, as well as the Module Overview, Topic Openers, and Assessments, so that you are comfortable with the material presented in this Module.

Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 0 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Agenda Introduction to the Module Concept Development Module Review (1 minute) Let’s take a few minutes to reflect on the purpose of today’s session.

Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 3 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Biggest Takeaway Turn and Talk: What questions were answered for you? What new questions have surfaced? (2 minutes) Take two minutes to turn and talk with others at your table. During this session, what information was particularly helpful and/or insightful? What new questions do you have? Allow 2 minutes for participants to turn and talk. Bring the group to order and advance to the next slide.

Grade 6 – Module 5 Module Focus Session February 2014 Network Team Institute TIME ALLOTTED FOR THIS SLIDE: 2 minutes MATERIALS NEEDED: X Key Points Students utilize and build upon their previous understanding of composition and decomposition from Grades 1 – 5. Area and volume are additive. Students determine the formulas for area from their knowledge of the area of a rectangle and how it can be composed and decomposed. Students use their prior knowledge of Module 2 to calculate the volume of right rectangular prisms with unit cubes with fractional lengths. Students use their prior knowledge of Module 3 to determine area and surface area of polygons through distance calculations. Students use their prior knowledge of Module 4 to use equations to determine missing angles, as well as to use formulas for area, volume, and surface area. Students apply formulas to real-life contexts and distinguish between the need to find surface area or volume within contextual situations. (5 minutes) Let’s review some key points of this session. I would like each tables’ members to take one minute to write down a key point from today’s session. Then, each table will share out.