You have all worked very hard, well done! Newsletter Reception Class 6th May 2016 Literacy This week we have been talking about the equipment a police officer uses. We have been writing our own labels and captions. We have also been having lots of discussions on doing the right things and road safety. We have also been reading the story of Moses from the bible and have been working really hard to write and retell this special story. You have all worked hard this week, well done! We have all really enjoyed learning about the police service this week. We have been looking at police cars and learning about how police dogs are trained. This week we have also been growing and planting sunflowers. We have been looking at what plants need to grow and we have been learning about the different parts of the plants. We now have an excellent knowledge of the sunflower life cycle. You have all worked very hard, well done! Phonics This week we have been looking at reading phase 3 and 4 tricky words and we have been reading complex sentences. Maths This week we have been looking at making and writing number bonds to 5, 10 and even 20. We have also been writing lots of number sentences using the addition, take away and equals sign. Notices This weeks homework is to complete the small task in your Learning Together books. Please can everyone try to do as much reading as possible at home. Many thanks, Miss Brown.