CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (2000/C 364/01) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/charter/pdf/text_en.pdf
Non-discrimination 21§ Any discrimination based on any ground such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited.
Cultural, religious and linguistic diversity 23§ The Union shall respect cultural, religious and linguistic diversity.
Equality between men and women 24§ Equality between men and women must be ensured in all areas, including employment, work and pay. The principle of equality shall not prevent the maintenance or adoption of measures providing for specific advantages in favour of the under-represented sex.
Context Surprisingly little studied even though Changes in demographics Intensification of globalization Consistency within global workforce needed Differences : regulatory, ethic and economic forces Only US studies – this one of a European MNC Organization’s ability to meet future challenges is argued to be multiplied by greater workforce diversity – increased variety of skills, experiences and cultural dimensions and values
Diversity Different paradigms – see Trux 2009 Resistance, discrimination and fairness, access and legitimacy, learning and effectiveness
Summary of Approaches (Trux 2009) Consultant Mainstream Critical What is diversity /who are divers? We are all different (but women and minorities are more different) Diversity = demographic differences, identity groups All differences may matter but some are more salient and/ or critical (due to historical exclusion etc.) DM is good for business /organization? Yes, if organizations only do it the right way Yes, but linkages and intervening variables require more research Questionable, views vary DM is good for employees? Yes, but some people might need help to understand this Possibly; some resist and there may be backlash Questionable, possibly negative consequences DM is a useful tool? Yes (“and I know how to make it work”) Yes, but more work is still required Not necessarily, views vary DM= diversity management Adapted from: Bairoh, Susanna 2007 Current Debates on Classifying Diversity Management: Review and a Proposal. Meddelanden från Svenska handelshögskolan 534, Helsinki.
The Approach of Consultants and Practitioners (Trux 2009) teaching the right steps: from denial by recognition to learning appeal to ’common sense’, anecdotes avoiding anything too ’theoretical’ ”diversity management has a positive effect on productivity” research support to the claims of Business Case remain contradictory and ambiguous burgeoning literature provides the reasoning for most organizations to implement diversity management
The Business Case for Diversity (Trux 2009) increases understanding of different customers boosts creativity and innovation improves utilization of the competencies of all employees strengthens commitment towards the employer/organization and decreases turnover awakes more interest towards the organization among competent applicants boosts image of the organization among stakeholders
MNCs US-derived models inappropriate in the Europe resulting in high levels of culturally and institutionally based resistance Considerable differences within European MNCs managing diversity (Singh& Point 2004)
Transco example Global diversity mgt part of global IHRM Divided to what aspects to be globally integrated and how to globally integrate Activities divided to philosophy (how to treat people regardless of location), policies (guidelines) and practices (roles) Modes divided to people-based, information-based, formalization-based and centralization-based
Forms of discrimination (adapted from Kähäri 2010) Open discrimination – mobbying welder example physical violence symbolic violence denial of resources exclusion Structural discrimination – teacher of islam example Self-imposed / auto-discrimination – girls and maths?
What employees can do?