Starter: on your own mwb Outline one or more examples of Ultradian rhythms. (4 marks) Outline one IDA that could be used to evaluate ultradian rhythms
The Menstrual cycle True or False Infradian Rhythms
Menstrual cycle- T/F The average age a girl starts having menstrual periods is between 11 and 14 The average menstrual cycle is 28 days long. Day 1 on the menstrual cycle is when the women has a period. On average, ovulation occurs on day 14 (based on a 28 day cycle) The menstrual cycle is controlled solely by hormones Low weight is correlated with early start of periods The most common cause of a missed period is taking prescription medication Women who spend a lot of time together will tend to have their menstrual cycles synchronize over time.
Answers True False- Exogenous factors too (Pheromones) False- Being over weight is False- Pregnancy Maybe?
Research and define Follicle stimulating hormone Oestrogen Luteinizing hormone Progesterone HCG Pheromones
Infradian rhythms: outline Individually draw a diagram/pictures to illustrate the process of one infradian rhythm
Research evidence Read the findings on page 9 Ground the evidence Read the article Highlight any agreement/disagreement to the studies
Infradian rhythms Nature vs Nurture (IDA) What research evidence is there for endogenous pacemakers (nature) in Infradian rhythms? What research evidence is there for exogenous zeitegebers (nurture) in Infradian rhythms? Which evidence is stronger? What does this suggest about the role of nature/nurture in Infradian rhythms?
Discuss How could Infradian rhythms (menstrual cycle) be explained through the evolutionary approach? Consider- Synchronization by both other females and other males
Evolutionary advantage Bentley (2000) believed that synchronisation between women living in close proximity would ensure that the women would conceive and give birth at similar times. This would be beneficial since they could share breast feeding, a behaviour observed in other species. McClintock (1971) found that women who work in a mostly male environment have shorter menstrual cycles. In the past this would be of evolutionary advantage since it would provide more opportunities for pregnancy. Add to wider evaluation
Determinism and wider evaluation Premenstrual syndrome PMS or Premenstrual syndrome is a disorder that affects many women during the week before menstruation begins. Symptoms can include acne, anxiety, depression, food cravings, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, water retention, mood swings and aggression Ms English was a woman who drove her car into her married lover after an argument, killing him. Her defence team used PMS as a legal defence and she was ultimately placed on Probation. This deterministic approach assumes she had no free will of her own or any control and could therefore not be held liable for her actions. Discuss and identify two arguments for and two arguments against this viewpoint
Choose an IDA Nature vs Nuture Determinism The evolutionary approach Write up in packs