Wingman Qualification C/2Lt Scott T. Correia Wingman Qualification Officer
Overview Importance of Wingman Qualification 12 tasks Initialed by its respective overseer
Importance of Completion Until wingman qualified, you are not eligible to: Wear Air Force Uniforms Compete for Scholarships Compete for the POC Selection Process (PSP)
Task 1 Turn in Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, and (if applicable) Proof of Citizenship & Shot Records Must be Originals Due to NCOs NLT LLAB 2
Task 2 Complete: AF Form 35 - Certification of Involvement with Civil, Military, School Authorities/Police AF Form 4/14 (if required) – Corroboration AF Form 2030 – USAF Drug and Alcohol Abuse Certificate Due to NCOs NLT LLAB 3 Begin to obtain waiver approvals (if required)
Task 3 Turn in Transcripts Official or Unofficial (Must include identification) SAT/ACT Scores (If applicable) Original or Copy Due to APAS NLT LLAB 3 in order to remain in AFROTC
Task 4 Meet Height and Weight Standards IAW AFI 36-2905
Task 5 Cadets must also meet requirements of AF Tattoo, Brands, and Body Piercing Policy or receive a Form 16 counseling on tattoo removal requirements (NCO office)
Task 6 Updated Form 48 Completed Sections 1-5 should be completed in pen; while remaining sections are filled in with pencil Signed by school academic advisor Due to APAS NLT LLAB 5 in order to remain in AFROTC
Task 7 Complete Term Counseling Done with APAS Must be completed NLT LLAB 8
Task 8 DoDMERB Qualified Both the physical and vision completed by a referred doctor Dictates what you can and can’t do in the Air Force, as well as whether or not you can continue in AFROTC Must be signed by NCOs once the results are in
Task 9 Receive PPQ/PNQ Counseling PPQ: Potentially Pilot Qualified PNQ: Potentially CSO Qualified Done by either APAS or NCOs
Task 10 Pass Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) Must meet the minimum in every exercise category to pass Push-ups, sit-ups, and a mile and a half run Minimum overall passing score is a 75 Signed either by APAS or NCOs when completed
Task 11 AFROTC Form 63 Completed – AFROTC Enrollment/Enlistment Checklist Signed by Cadre
Conclusion Once completed and signed, bring the checklist to Wingman Qualification Officer If approved by the NCOs, we will issue out your uniform