NEGST January 2006-(may 2007)-December 2008 Serge G. Petiton, CNRS/LIFL The objective of the NEGST project is to promote the collaborations of Japan and France on grid computing technology Many researchers are now working on several projects on the grid technology. Several of the teams involved in this project have other financial supports to develop joint researches with Japanese colleagues. The results present in the 2006 NEGST activity report contribute to the proposed project and was accelerate due to this CNRS-JST collaboration. SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2006 : several results and new launched collaborations
Instant Grid. The complexity of the existing Grid middleware and systems raises the need of discovering and developing original mechanisms and interfaces for users and administrators; Grid Metrics. Grid is related to methodology and metrics for accurate measurement methods and simulation, virtualization tools, Grid Interoperability and Applications. This issue concerns the interoperability between existing Grid middleware and deployments. How to connect and exchange resources securely and efficiently between several Grids? How to run application on Interoperable Grids.
To prepare scientific reports 2007, 2008 Publications Software Experimental platforms Description of new collaborations Future evolutions : toward Petascale systems, applications, languages, programming Q3, 2008 : new proposal for future Japanese-French project?
NEGST schedule (tentative) Next meeting in Reno, at SC07, Mon. Nov 12. Third NEGST workshop in Lyon, May 2008, before or after IEEE CCGRID 2008 conference. The NEGST project will finish in march 2009 (J) or in December 2008 (F)? Participation to the « HPC » workshop (Oct 29-30, or Nov 1-2?) Petascale Architectures, Applications and Programming workshop (PAAP)
NEGST website in France