Canada & World War 1 1914-1918 CHC 2D1
MAIN Causes of WWI Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism
MAIN Causes : Militarism The belief that international issues could be addressed by armies and navies. Arms Race Great Britain and Germany began a naval rivalry as each sought to rule the oceans with Dreadnaught-class battleships
MAIN Causes : Alliances Triple Alliance (Germany, Italy & Austria-Hungary) vs. Triple Entente (Great Britain, France & Russia
MAIN Causes : Alliances Alliance System
MAIN Causes : Imperialism Competition for resources and geography pushed nations to conflict
MAIN Causes : Imperialism European Empires in Africa
MAIN Causes : Nationalism The emotional belief in the superiority of one’s nation
Franz Ferdinand – Austria-Hungary Assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire (June 28, 1914)
Franz Ferdinand – Austria-Hungary Gavrilo Princip after assassination, June 1914
Outbreak of WWI