Prof. Dr. Jasminka CVEJIC Department of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture, Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT OUTCOMES AT THE FACULTY OF FORESTRY DEPARTMENT OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AND HORTICULTURE
CONTENTS Implemetation of the LENNE project in study programes at the Department of LA&H at the Faculty of Forestry Piloting LENNE Course Units Dissemination of the LENNE project
THREE STEPS STEP 1: modification of existing study program; STEP 2: preparation of the new Study Program for accreditation; STEP 3: improvement and extension of accredited study program
9th semester 10th semester Landscape management ECTS 10th semester 1 Elective 2+2 5 2 3 6 FINAL (DIPLOMA) WORK 30 4 Elective practical work 7 10 Electives (selecting four): Environmental impact assessment Open spaces system planning Landscape esthetics Revitalization of green areas Flower production technology Tissue culture Landscape management Elective practical work: PRACTICE (7) or STUDIO (1+6) Total: 23
MASTER THESES Green roofs as a strategic concept of improving the urban environment condition - planning and legislative framework of the implementation on the Vračar’s municipality example. Old parks renewal– the example of “ Blandaš“ park in Kikinda Construction technology of green roofs in Switzerland with the aim of biodiversity increasing and improvement cities environment condition - planning and legislative framework of greenering roofs on the exemple of Canton Basel Stadt Open space design adapted for persons with disabilities on the example of the „Veljko Ramadanović“ school for pupils with defective vision in Zemun Public awareness of Invasive Plant Introductions: Case study from Belgrade city Economic benefits of protected areas
NEW MASTER PROGRAM (from 2008) Module 3: Landscape architecture and horticulture Submodule A: Landscape architecture Submodule B: Landscape horticulture Submodule C: Landscape engineering
code OBLIGATE SUBJECTS ELECTIVE SUBJECTS M31101 Theory and methodology in the field of landscape architecture and horticulture M31104A Landscape management M31102 Cultural landscape M31104B History and conservation M31103 Landscape design M31104C Urban Open spaces M31104 Elective 1 M31201 Study research work in the field of Landscape Architecture M31202 Diploma (M.Sc) work Subjects Lecture fund by week IX semester ЕCTS 1 Оbligate 1 3+0 6 2 Оbligate 2 3+3 8 3 Оbligate 3 4 Elective 1 5 Study research work (LA) 20 15 Diploma work
NEXT STEP Sustainability: previous training that we will pass through current one year Master Study Program purchase the literature and computer equipment that was done by LENNE project teaching stuff will be enhanced support of relevant ministries and institutions for education experts of this profile
PILOTING LENNE COURSE UNITS Tara National park September, 2006 ''Landscape management Practical in Tara National Park (Serbia)''.
PILOTING LENNE COURSE UNITS Studio course on Cultural Landscape under the title Landscape Character Assessment of Urban Cultural Landscape (Characterization phase) Lectures were Prof Jasimka Cvejic, Ass MSc Sojanka Radulovic, Ass MSc Nevena Vasiljevic, Ass MSc Andreja Tutundzic
PILOTING LENNE COURSE UNITS 16 July 17 July 22 October 23 October 24 October 9,45 - 10,30 Lecture: Nevena Vasiljević What is Cultural Landscapes? - Historic and contemporary processes Lecture: Nevena Vasiljević & Andreja Tutundzic Methodology –Classification and Characterisation of Culturla Landscape Issues and Action Exercise: Assessment of Urban Cultural Landscape Case study Milicevo brdo presentation of the Assessme1nt - group 1 assessment - group 2 Both groups work on assessment – idea, concept of final work conflicts between different land use..… Presentation- Final Assessment of Milic’s hill Ciltural landscape 10.45 – 11,30 Disscussion and Formative assessment of students work 11,45 – 12,30 Lecture: Stojanka Radulović Landscape as a Ecological Unit - Landscape Ecology / Landscape Processes Proposal for Assessment of Milicevo brdo - Tools and techniques Introduction with Fields assessment sheet 12,45 - 13,30 14,00 – 14,45 Lecture: Prof Jasminka Cvejić Cultural Landscape - perception and visual assessment Study – field trip to Milicevo brdo 14,50 - 15,35 15,45 – 16,30 theoretical discussion 16,45 – 17,30
PILOTING LENNE COURSE UNITS Interpretation of landscape character of urban cultural landscape of Milicevo brdo (Milic’s hill).
КУЛТУРНИ ПРЕДЕО Cultural landscape characterization ВАРОШИЦА СПОМЕНИЦИ НАРОДНОГ ГРАДИТЕЉСТВА Стара Општина Парохијски дом Попова кућа Бојаџијска радња Затвор Вајати Воденица Собрашнице Чардаци Ревитализација сеоске Варошице Брезна
КУЛТУРНО ИСТОРИЈСКА ЗОНА Revitalization plan ИДЕЈНО РЕ Ш Е Њ КУЛТУРНО ИСТОРИЈСКА ЗОНА - едукација кроз живи музејски простор Ревитализација сеоске Варошице Брезна
TEMPUS LENNE PROJECT DISSEMINATION 2006, Athens, International Landscape Architecture Symposium: Establishing the Landscape Architecture Profession; 2006, Bratislava, international ECLAS conference: cultural dimensions of urban landscape; 2006, Belgrade, National Program for Forestry, Public Company “Serbian Forest”, Workshop; 2007, Brussels, European Federation of Landscape Architects Seminar: “The Single Market and Landscape Architects right to practice”; 2007, Palic, Planned and normative space protection and the Environment, Serbian Spatial Planners Assotiation; 2007, Belgrade, World Environment day - Melting ice - a hot topic? In the Belgrade's City hall 2007, Beograde, International ECLAS Conference: Landscape Assessment – application in planning and design 2007, Belgrade, 6th Ministerial Conference "Environment for Europe“ 2008, Vienna, Landscape planning in Serbia, lecture on the master course 2008, Belgrade, Presentation of the study “Belgrade landscape typology as a base for European Landscape Convention implementation ” Public page at LENNE web site Preparation material for European Landscape Convention signed and ratification