Zoe Watson 18th September 2017. Deanshanger Primary School Read, Write Inc for Parents. Thank you for coming along! Zoe Watson 18th September 2017. 21/05/2018 Copyright Ruth Miskin Training
Learning to read is not a race! Learning to read is not a race – some children will be fluent at the end of FS, most will be able to segment and blend, some will still be learning the mechanics of understanding the reading code. Our aim is for all children to love books and stories!
Every child has their own learning style. Children all learn to read in different ways – some listen and need to learn to decode, some are visual learners and are good at looking at the shape of a word, some need to physically manipulate letters (magnetic letters, chalk, playdough). 21/05/2018
Why Read Write Inc. Phonics? Tried and tested over many years. Systematic and structured. Early success in reading. We chose this particular programme because…..(insert own reasons here!) and we know that Read Write Inc: is rooted in synthetic phonics. has been tried and tested over and over again is systematic, structured and therefore results in rapid teaching and learning of sounds & blending means that, importantly and simply, when children know these sounds well and they can blend, they read books that are carefully matched to the sounds they know. Which means that children are successful from the very beginning! staff are trained. 5/21/2018
Copyright Ruth Miskin Training Pre-Phonic Teaching. It is vital that children – Listen to and enjoy books and stories. Have good role-models for reading. Develop vocabulary and language by discussing stories and picture books. Are able to isolate sounds in their environment. Bedtime stories, story CD’s, Cbeebies – so children want to read. Children need good role models for reading – especially boys. Reading has a big impact on writing skills. Developing good listening skills are key so that children can hear sounds – h-a-t = hat 21/05/2018 Copyright Ruth Miskin Training
Learn 44 sounds and matching letters. How does it work? Children: Learn 44 sounds and matching letters. Learn to blend sounds to read words. Read lots of specially written books. It also teaches letter formation with rhymes. Hold up some Set 1, 2 & 3 cards (including digraphs such as sh, ch, igh, ay, ai) as you say the 1st & 2nd point but don’t explain further yet! Hold up some RWI storybooks as you say the 3rd point but don’t explain further yet 5/21/2018
Copyright Ruth Miskin Training Video - http://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/resources/parent-information-understanding-phonics/ 21/05/2018 Copyright Ruth Miskin Training
Spelling and reading would be much easier if English had a simple code! play mayk trayn cafay strayt wayt brayk green dreem kee hee happee light kight fligh Igh igh tigh blow smowk flowt gow mowst moon broot bloo groo If English had a simple code spelling and reading would be much easier!! Ay, ee, igh, ow, oo. Have a quick read for fun. But of course, it’s not like this!! 5/21/2018 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
f l m n r s v z sh th ng nk b c d g h j p qu t w x y ch k a e i o u ay Consonants: stretchy f l m n r s v z sh th ng nk Consonants: bouncy b c d g h j p qu t w x y ch k Vowels: bouncy Vowels: stretchy a e i o u ay ee igh ow Explain that there is an audio guide on the OUP website which gives guidance on pure pronunciation but you should go through these sounds quickly with parents using My Turn/Your Turn. http://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/home/reading-site/expert-help/ruth-miskins-video-page?region=uk Stress you must not use letter names at this stage – just pure sounds. Emphasise getting rid of ‘ugh’ to help blending. Parents usually love this bit! Make it fun! Set 1 then long vowels in Set 2. Explain that when the children are taught the sounds they use the cards and a multi-sensory approach – hold up the cards again. oo ar or air ir ou oy Set 1 sounds Set 2 sounds
The letter looks like it sounds - Around the apple and down the leaf. Around the dinosaurs bottom, up his tall neck and down to his feet. 21/05/2018 Copyright Ruth Miskin Training
Copyright Ruth Miskin Training Phonics Plan. Week: 6 Week Beginning: 10th October 2017 Day Learning objective. Success Criteria Main Teaching Plenary 1 To recognise the letter grapheme – ‘m’. We know how to form the letter ‘m’ correctly. We can recognise the letter ‘m’. Intro – show them the ‘m’ card and stretch the sound – mmmmmm. Show the picture sound cards – mouse, mountain, mirror, moon. Show them the decorated ‘m’ – model and say the ditty. Draw ‘m’ in the air, carpet, floor… Show the ‘m’, tricky game – with ‘m’, decorated ‘m’ and capital ‘M’. Main – Whiteboards and pens – practise ‘m’, discuss pen grip. Say these words in Fred fingers talk – man, mum, mad, mud, jam. 2 To recognise the letter grapheme – ‘a’. We know how to form the letter ‘a’ correctly. We can recognise the letter ‘a’. Revisit/review – ‘m’. Intro – show them the ‘a’ card and bounce the sound – aaaaaaaa. Show the picture sound cards – apple, ant, astronaut and acrobat Show them the decorated ‘a’ – model and say the ditty. Draw ‘a’ in the air, carpet, floor… Show the ‘a’, tricky game – with ‘a’, decorated ‘a’ and capital ‘A’. Main – Whiteboards and pens – practise ‘a’, discuss pen grip. Say these words in Fred fingers talk – man, mad, ham, jam, Sam. 3 To recognise the letter grapheme – ‘s’. We know how to form the letter ‘s’ correctly. We can recognise the letter ‘s’. Revisit/review – ‘m’ and ‘a’. Intro – show them the ‘s’ card and stretch the sound – ssssssss. Show the picture sound cards – snake, snail, spider, sun. Show them the decorated ‘s’ – model and say the ditty. Draw ‘s’ in the air, carpet, floor… Show the ‘s’, tricky game – with ‘s’, decorated ‘s’ and capital ‘S’. Main – Whiteboards and pens – practise ‘s’, discuss pen grip. Say these words in Fred fingers talk – sad, Sam, sat, sit. 4 To recognise the letter grapheme – ‘d’. We know how to form the letter ‘d’ correctly. We can recognise the letter ‘d’. Revisit/review – ‘m’, ‘a’ and ‘s’. Intro – show them the ‘d’ card and bounce the sound – ddddddd. Show the picture sound cards – dog, dinosaur, doll, duck. Show them the decorated ‘d’ – model and say the ditty. Draw ‘d’ in the air, carpet, floor… Show the ‘d’, tricky game – with ‘d’, decorated ‘d’ and capital ‘D’. Main – Whiteboards and pens – practise ‘d’, discuss pen grip. Say these words in Fred fingers talk – Dad, did, doll, dig. AP To form letters correctly. To form the letters ‘m’,’a’,’s’,’d’,’t’,’i’,’n’,’p’. MA - Revisits ditties for each sound and focus on formation practise. Read Fred finger words - man, mum, mad, mud, jam (+ words above) Big Picture: We are learning To recognise and form the letters m,a,s,and d. This will help us to Recognise, hear and write letters. Next we can Use our knowledge of sounds to blend for reading and writing. 21/05/2018 Copyright Ruth Miskin Training
Copyright Ruth Miskin Training 21/05/2018 Copyright Ruth Miskin Training
Fred... Fred helps children learn to read. Fred can only talk in sounds... (Fred can only say c_a_t, he can’t say cat) We call this Fred Talk. Hold up Fred! Say you too can have a Fred at home – use one like this or any stuffed toy. 5/21/2018
Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy Fred talk. If children understand Fred they can blend orally. d-o-g Use My Turn Your Turn with the parents to have a go at some Fred Talk – you Fred Talk a CVC word d_o_g, they Fred Talk it back & ask them to tell you what word Fred is trying to say. Do a few words – sh_o_p, d_ay, s_p_l_a_sh etc. This is oral blending. Say that once your child knows the graphemes for each sound, they can use Fred Talk for reading any word – write one of the words on a board and Fred Talk then say whole word – point to each grapheme as you Fred Talk it. 5/21/2018 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
“What a tidy r-oo-m!” “Where’s your c-oa-t?” “Time for b-e-d!” And... By having fun with Fred Talk at home! “What a tidy r-oo-m!” “Where’s your c-oa-t?” “Time for b-e-d!” Give a couple of examples e.g. Where is your c_oa_t? Time for b_e_d! Make sure your child can tell you what the word is. Use only single syllable words (no Fred Talking multi-syllabic words) and only the last word in a sentence or it gets very silly! E.g. P_u_t o_n y_our b_l_ue c_oa_t (you’ll never get out!). 5/21/2018
Fred helps children learn to spell too! Children convert words into sounds They press the sounds on to their fingers... We call this Fred Fingers Show how to use fingers to spell some of the words you have just blended. Use My Turn Your Turn with the parents – say “show me three fingers – the word is dog.” (or shop or wish or any 3 sound word) “Now put your sounds on your fingers!” This is the reversibility principle of decoding for reading and encoding for writing. 5/21/2018
How can you help your child? By... saying pure sounds – “m”, not “muh”. knowing the graphemes (letter symbols). sharing books every day. understanding how ‘Fred’ helps with reading and spelling. First of all, you can help your child if you know how to pronounce the 44 sounds perfectly and understand the blending process. There are lots of other ways but 1st let’s look at the 44 sounds, then the ways we read and write those sounds and then meet Fred!
And... By reading your child lots of lovely stories and asking lots of questions! Use these prompts to help you: What is that character thinking? What do you think happens next? What is happening? Talking about the book is vital – picture books can support comprehension, inference and understanding of context, character and vocab. What do you think that character is feeling now? What is the character saying? 5/21/2018
And... By enriching conversations through description: “Look at that rain. It looks like little diamonds sparkling on the window pane!” By having fun with words and language. “I’m as hot as a spud in a cooking pot!” By praising your child for using new words or interesting phrases 5/21/2018
Copyright Ruth Miskin Training 21/05/2018 Copyright Ruth Miskin Training