doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: Proposal for ISC/L-PD PHY mode Classification Date Submitted: Mar. 16, 2016 Source: Soo-Young Chang (SYCA) and Jaesang Cha (SNUST) Company: SYCA and SNUST Address: Voice: 530 574 2741 FAX: E-Mail: Re: CFP of 15.7r1 Abstract: Some issues to add new PHYs to the existing 15.7 standard Purpose: to suggest some critical issues to add new PHYs to the existing 15.7 standard Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Slide 1 Soo-Young Chang (SYCA) and Jaesang Cha (SNUST) <author>, <company>
Proposal for ISC/L-PD PHY mode Classification Soo-Young Chang [SYCA] AND Jaesang Cha [SNUST]
INTRODUCTION The authors’ understanding from 3/16/2016 PM2 informal discussion among members of ISC/L-PD subgroup The subgroup ALMOST agreed to have three PHY categories in ISC/low PD area Names of PHYs will not be stated in the standard while only detailed descriptions of these PHYs will be included which will be prepared later. This document is prepared to help the group to classify all the proposed schemes into three PHYs – PHY A, PHY B, and PHY C. Based on three contributions on this issue from Intel, Panasonic and Kookmin University
ISC/L-PD PHY MODE DESCRIPTIONS This description is prepared only to help the 15.7r1 members to understand distinctions among three PHYs. PHY Intel’s Panasonic’s Kookmin’s NEW proposal PHY A Rolling/Global Shutter Cameras and Low Rate PD Discrete light source Discrete Point source(s) transmitter Discrete (or Single) source PHY B Rolling Shutter Cameras Surface light source LED panel transmitter Surface source PHY C 2 Dimensional Screen Codes 2-dimensional screen Screen 2-dimensional /screen source
NEW PROPOSAL FOR ISC/L-PD PHY MODE CLASSIFICATION Intel’s Panasonic’s Kookmin’s NEW proposal PHY A 1. Undersampled Frequency Shift ON-OFF Keying (UFSOOK) 2. Twinkle VPPM 1. UFSOOK (Intel, 16/0006r1) 2.Twinkle VPPM (Intel, 16/0006r1) 3.Spatial M-PSK (Kookmin U., 16/0015r1) 4.Offset VPPM (SNUST, 16/0026r2) 13.1 Under-sampled modulation (flicker-free mode) 1 Intel UFSOOK 2 Kookmin S2-PSK 13.2 (flicker mode) modulation 3 SNUST Offset-PPM 13.3 Twinkle VPPM 4 Intel twinkle (UFSOOK + VPPM) 5 Kookmin (S2-PSK + DSM-PSK) 13.4 Color Space Modulation 1. UFSOOK (Intel) 2.Twinkle VPPM (Intel) 3 Offset-VPWM (SNUST) 4. S2-PSK (Kookmin U) 5. S2+DMS-PSK (Kookmin U.) 6. CSM (SYCA) PHY B 1. RS-FSK (rolling shutter frequency shift keying) 2. PPM 1 3. PPM 2 4. PPM 3 5. CM-FSK 6. C-OOK 1.CM-FSK/PSK (Kookmin U., 16/0014r1) 2.Compatible On-Off Keying (Kookmin U., 16/0013r2) 3.Surface PWM/PPM (Panasonic, 16/0027r1) 4.RS-FSK (NTU, 16/0018r0) 14.1 FSK 7 Kookmin CM-FSK (low symbol rate mode) 8 NTU RS-FSK (high symbol rate mode) 14.2 PWM/PPM 9 Panasonic PPM mode 1 10 Panasonic PPM mode 2 11 Panasonic PPM mode 3 14.3 OOK 12 Kookmin C-OOK mode 1 (low symbol rate mode) 13 Kookmin C-OOK mode 2 (frame rate drop error detection mode) 1.FSK (Kookmin U.) 2. 2 mode OOK (Kookmin U.) 3. 3 mode PWM/PPM (Panasonic) PHY C 1. UCT-ISC 2. Invisible data embedded display 3. CSM (color space modulation) 4. SCAM 1.Compatible Color Shift Keying (Kookmin U., 16/0012r1) 2.VCAM (SNUST, 16/0024r3) 3.Invisible data-embedding (SNUST, 16/0025r1) 4.PAPM (China Telecom, 16/0229r1) 5.Kookmin 5 (KookminU., 16/????r0) 15.1 Visible 2D-sequential code 14 SNUST VCAM code 15 Kookmin color code …….Intel 2D-sequential code 16 PAPM China Telecom 15.2 Invisible 2D-screen code 17 SNUST invisible code 18 Kookmin Invisible code ??? 1. 2D-sequential color code (Kookmin U.) 2.VTASC (SNUST) 3.Invisible data-embedding (SNUST) 5 CSM 6.Kookmin Invisible code (KookminU.,)