Formal vs. Informal Language When to use which?
Formal Language Is used when you want to make a good impression on people in respected positions. You speak in a more traditional way and use longer forms of words when you want to be formal
Formal Language with Teachers Principals Counselors Neighbors Firemen, Policemen Who else?
Formal Language Looks like Sounds like Standing or sitting straighter than usual Sounds like “Hello, Mrs. Cadle” “Please, may I…” “Nice to meet you.”
Informal Language Is used when you talk to peers or adults whom you feel close to. You might speak in a more relaxed way, by using slang and shorter forms of words, when you want to be informal. You should continue to be respectful when being informal.
Informal Language with Your best friend Your sister Your babysitter Your cousin Who else?
Informal Looks like Sounds like Standing or sitting in a relaxed position Sounds like Using slang “Hi” “What are ya doin’?” “What’s new?”
Change to Formal Hi Sure! Will ya? Ya gotta do it! What do you want?
Change to Informal I would be delighted! I certainly appreciate this. It has been a pleasure meeting you. Could you possibly give me a hand with this project?
Formal or Informal? You call your dad at work and his boss answers the phone. You are asking someone out on a date You are talking to your parents at the dinner table You are trying to convince the assistant principal to change the date of the detention you were given.