Meet the Teacher Year 6
Daily Routines in Y6 8.45- Early work- Response time 8.55-Register Maths 10.45 -Playtime- healthy snacks only. English Our TA is Mrs Murphy. Mrs Blakely- further Maths support Monday and Thursday pm Mrs McDonough teaches. 1:1 / small group teaching time.
Timetable PE – Wednesday Swimming- Summer Term, after Easter holiday on a Monday
Homework Children will be given homework folders. Goes home on Friday Hand in by Wednesday Range of worksheets/ activities/ website activities/ open ended projects. Check Class Dojo
Reading journals Please encourage children to read daily at home. Unless they are on the reading scheme still then children should be reading for pleasure and not find their book too difficult. Record their reading in their journal.
Supporting children further at home… Spelling lists Reading. Maths Frame Times tables- need a good knowledge in order to cope with Y6 Maths. Chn encouraged to keep checking school website and Class Dojo…regularly updated with homework and activities relating to current learning. Children work very hard in school- will need l lots of time to relax at home this year!
Roles and Responsibilities Playleaders Restorative Champions Assembly leaders ICT technician Music technician Range of class jobs Chairs of Eco committee/ school council
Tests Teacher assessments + SATs papers SATs- 3 Maths papers: 1 arithmetic, 2 ‘reasoning’ 1 Reading paper- 3 texts. 1 spelling, punctuation and grammar paper. Revision books will be given out and available to purchase in Spring Term.
Rewards Roles and responsibilities Dojo Points Spot prizes and certificates
Finally………. Any concerns/ queries come in or send a message on Class Dojo any time. Thank you for coming! Viking Day-Tuesday 26th September