How successful were the Viking monarchs of England? Warm Up – Key skill: Inferring What can you learn about King Cnut from the extract? Annotate.
Repeat it. Explain it to someone. Use it to answer something. Compare it. Select key points. Design something from it. Come to conclusions about it, referring to all you now know. Bloom’s Taxonomy
How successful were the Viking monarchs of England? Objectives All of you will be able to describe features of the reign of Cnut, Harefoot and Harthacnut. Most of you will be able to analyse the information to pick out the salient points. Some of you will be able compare the Viking monarchs, referring to evidence. A very small amount of you might be able to evaluate the period 1016-1066
How successful were the Viking monarchs of England? Can you put the story in order? Cnut 1016-1035 Harold Harefoot 1035-40 Harthacnut 1040-42
The story in order Danish raids increased as Aethelred’s reign went on 978-1013. Aethelred married Emma and they had sons Alfred and Edward. King Sweyn (the first Sweyn of many) invaded taking the throne from Aethelred. Sweyn died quickly afterwards. The Vikings swore allegiance to his son Cnut. Aethelred came back to England and promised the witan that he would be less rubbish. Southern English noblemen agreed and they attacked Cnut. Cnut left. Cnut invaded and again he fought for England. The Danish had a lot of support in the north. Aethelred died. His son, Edmund Ironside became king. After a lot of fighting Cnut and Edmund agreed to divide England. Then Edmund mysteriously died (poison?). Cnut ruled all. Cnut ruled Denmark, Norway and England. He was a absentee monarch (he wasn’t there often). When he wasn’t there he left favourites in charge such as Earl Godwin.
The story in order Cnut married Emma, who used to be married to Aethelred. Emma gave birth to Harthacnut. Cnut already had a wife who had a son called Harold Harefoot. Cnut died 1035. He wanted Harthacnut to be king but Harthacnut was away fighting to control Norway. Harefoot took the throne. Harefoot had Alfred Aetheling brutally murdered, with the help of Godwin. Edward (soon to be the Confessor escaped). Harefoot died in 1040 before Harthacnut came back. Harthacnut became king. Harthacnut had his brothers body dug up and thrown in a river. Harthacnut invited his half-brother Edward to England, perhaps to help him rule. Harthacnut died in 1042 and Edward the Confessor became king in 1042.
How successful were the Viking monarchs of England? Use the information selected from the books to INFER about the three Viking monarchs. You may also use the internet. Find information about: Their personalities They style of ruling Ensure that the group records a TOP THREE pieces of information on your topic. Good phrases: It appears that… This can be supported by… Authors – Frank Barlow (Large font) Harriet O’Brien (Small font)
How successful were the Viking monarchs of England? Plenary 1 Educate the other team. Ensure that you have useful information recorded.