Ducks Unlimited
Officers President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Liaison Banquet Chair Conservation Chair Advisor
Ducks Unlimited Ducks Unlimited conserves, restores, and manages wetlands and associated habitats for North America's waterfowl. These habitats also benefit other wildlife and people.
Ducks Unlimited 1937- Populations crash Influence policy, easements, habitat management United States, Canada, Mexico Total acres conserved- 13,645,571
2016 Population Survey Since 1990, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has conducted aerial transect surveys using airplanes in spring. m1CA228oE
Wisconsin Outlook Ducks and geese raised in the Great Lakes states make an important contribution to waterfowl populations locally and throughout the eastern Mississippi Flyway. Wisconsin, duck populations were largely unchanged from the previous year's estimates and their respective long-term averages (441,681 total breeding ducks). “ Abnormally dry conditions persisted throughout much of the brood-rearing period across a substantial portion of the Great Lakes region, These conditions likely hampered brood survival and renesting efforts to some degree.” Good year for most Mississippi Flyway goose populations
Sept. 17- Flyways Waterfowl Museum Baraboo, WI Migratory bird science Waterfowl identification Calls, decoys, etc
Sept. 24- Wetland assessment with SWAMP Rudolph, WI Degraded farm site Soil, water, and vegetation surveys Waterfowl count
Sept. 24 and 25- Bag checks at Mead 33,000 acres Little Eau Pleine River 260 bird species Goals- Resource mgmt., recreation mgmt., environmental education 8am-2pm and 2pm-8pm
March- DU Banquet March 30th tentatively Need volunteers to help run the event Separate banquet committee meetings LOTS OF FUN AND PRIZES!!!
Scholarships- October 15th Wisconsin Waterfowl Association Carol and Allen Kube/ Wisconsin Wildlife Federation
Membership 25$ for a full year (includes a t-shirt) 15$ for a semester (extra 5$ for a shirt) Free events for members