MARKET WATCH STOCK MARKET GAME FIND A GAME NOT the one with ‘spring” in it. PASSWORD: buildwealth RELAX! It’s not all due today! MARKET WATCH STOCK MARKET GAME PAPER WORK TODAY: Stock Search Tomorrow: Find AT LEAST 3 MORE companies Wisconsin Penny Stock And your choice
buildwealth FIND A GAME You are competing with all three Personal Finance Classes $10,000 (Asset/Cash) plus $10,000 (Liability/Loan) NET WORTH = Gains + Assets - Liabilities $10 FEE for every transaction Buy or Sell PASSWORD: buildwealth
Investment Requirements At least one WISCONSIN company At least one PENNY STOCK The rest is up to you…. MUST invest at least 90% of your $10,000
Any stock that sells for $5 or less…. Potential for high earnings GOOGLE: How to pick Penny Stocks REALLY interested? Timothy Sykes – Penny Stocking 101
Wisconsin Companies
I personally like Yahoo Finance Trading doesn’t open until 9:30 EST (8:30 our time)
TODAY Overview of Bulls/Bears, Nasdaq/Dow, Corporations/IP0, and then PLAY Dave Ramsey Scholarship Opportunity Dave Ramsey's $58,000 Financial Literacy Challenge is still open to high school students until Tuesday, April 25! The Challenge, sponsored by Churchill Mortgage, is composed of a brief money survey and personal finance quiz. High school seniors have a chance to win one of FOUR $10,000 scholarships! Other prizes for underclassmen and additional scholarships for seniors are also up for grabs. It only takes about 15 minutes to take the Challenge quiz.
CORPORATIONS Stockholders elect the board of directors. Board of Directors hire the CEO, COO, CFO, etc. The CEO, COO, CFOs MANAGE the corporation
IPO = Initial Public Offering versus Privately Owned Corporations (You can’t buy stock in these….) They don’t want or need our money!
The Stock Market Game INVEST! TRADE! BUY STOCK! Stock Exchanges – New York (NYSE), NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations), London (LSE), etc. They’re a brokerage house! Process sales. The DOW Jones Industrial AVERAGE (Averages 30 significant stocks for a snap shot of trades) S&P 500: Standard and Poor’s index of 500 American Companies traded on the NYSE and NASDAQ INVEST! TRADE! BUY STOCK! Trading Places – The Movie – a little naughty
Bull slow moving - steak in the end. If a person is optimistic and believes that stocks will go up, he or she is called a "bull" and is said to have a "bullish outlook". Horns UP BUy Long Bull slow moving - steak in the end. A bear market is when the economy is bad, recession is looming and stock prices are falling. Bear markets make it tough for investors to pick profitable stocks Swipes DOWN to attack – Sell Short Bear vicious and deadly, risk for profit. Just can’t bear it!
RECORD TRADES If you forget…. Portfolio Tab TRANSACTIONS
Making Your First Trade
Market Watch will show you these “In the News” Companies USE the Company SYMBOL to get the trading ‘card’ up. …
Witte’s Picks
Don’t be fooled! Remember you had $10,000 in CASH And $10,000 in approved LOANS! DEBT! The LOAN interest rate is 6% In this example, only $4,281.48 is CASH, the other $10,000 is BORROWING MONEY TO INVEST! Not smart to borrow if you’re not making over 6% on your investments!
Build Wealth and Live On Your Own Market Watch Game: MINIMUM 3 Companies 1 Wisconsin Company, 1 Penny Stock, and the rest whatever you want Want more diversity? Go ahead - buy more! CAUTION: $10,000 Cash and $10,000 DEBT @ 6% REMEMBER TO RECORD YOUR PURCHASES! Dave Ramsey's $58,000 Financial Literacy Challenge is still open to high school students until Tuesday, April 25! The Challenge, sponsored by Churchill Mortgage, is composed of a brief money survey and personal finance quiz. High school seniors have a chance to win one of FOUR $10,000 scholarships! Other prizes for underclassmen and additional scholarships for seniors are also up for grabs. It only takes about 15 minutes to take the Challenge quiz.
End of Stock Market Game Info
On Your Own - Sim
CHECK YOUR LIFE Do you have at LEAST liability insurance on your car? If not, get some! In an accident? Not enough cash or credit to pay the bill? Go to the bank and get a loan! Life Points – Yeah, you don’ t want to take a dance class or something “healthy” – your mental and physical health will go down