World Cultures I November 2016 Islam World Cultures I November 2016
Concept: Islam is known primarily as a Religion It is also a Culture and a Way of Life for the people who practice it. Keep in mind that it is unlike what you know about other religions:
2-main Images of Islam – Star & Crescent
Muslims have looked for God in history… Their sacred scripture is called the Qur'an Written in Arabic
Chief Duty of Muslims: To create a just community (ummah) in which all members, even the most weak and vulnerable, were treated with absolute respect. The ummah included the idea of practical compassion & a fair distribution of wealth. The political well-being of their community was a matter of supreme importance.
Muslims: Like all peoples, they developed their own rituals, philosophy, doctrines, texts and laws. BUT…their religion sprang from their thoughts on politics. If their government, its leaders or their ideas did not measure up to their Qur'anic ideal, then Muslims felt that their faith was in jeopardy. Thus every effort is made to get their society back on track. Politics for a Muslim is the equivalent is a Sacrament to a Christian
Message was Simple…. The Arabs knew that Allah (God) had created the world & would judge humanity in the Last Days. It was good to Share wealth & create a society where all would be treated with respect. These two ideas are the core to the Qur’an which means Recitation in Arabic.
Brief History: During the month of Ramadan, in the year 610 CE an Arab merchant had an experience that would change history. Muhammad was overpowered by a presence which enlightened him Two years later he felt empowered to preach the message….
Muhammad….The Prophet Possible “WHY?” Images Of Muhammad The Prophet
……. Arabic word – “Allah” Ornate Qur’an
This new sect would be called Islam – Surrender. A Muslim is either a Man or a Woman who has made this submission of their entire being to Allah. 3 Examples of this are: Prayer, 5-times daily facing Mecca (Salat) Giving Alms (Zakat) to the poor Fasting during Ramadan
Fundamental Practices & Institutions of Islam: The Five Pillars: Classroom Reading: Fundamental Practices & Institutions of Islam: The Five Pillars:
Shahadah "I believe in God; and in His Angels; and in His Scriptures; and in His Messengers; and in The Final Day; and in Fate, that Good and Evil are from God, and Resurrection after death be Truth.” "I testify that there is nothing worthy of worship but God; and I testify that Muhammad is His Messenger."
Salat Minarets Prayer, Five times (or more) daily facing Mecca The faithful are called to prayer by a Muezzin who stands in one of the four towers (Minarets) that flank the four cardinal points of a Mosque. ? Before praying a Muslim Washes their face, hands & feet. They also remove their shoes and use a Prayer Rug. Praying involves three main body positions – Standing, Genuflecting, and Prostrating themselves.
Zakat Giving Alms to the poor Religious Income Tax required of Muslims each year Like a Christian Tithe
Ramadan Fasting from Sunrise to Sunset during this month Similar to Christian Lent and Jewish Passover
Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in your lifetime if you can afford it.
Aerial View – whole mosque Grand Mosque in Mecca: 150 years ago: At Night Aerial View – whole mosque
The Hajj begins…. 7 Times around the Kaa’ba Ihram Clean yourself Wear Ihram garments Avoid Forbidden acts of Ihram 7 Times around the Kaa’ba The Black Stone called al-Hajar-ul-Aswad in Arabic is a Muslim object of reverence, which according to Islamic tradition dates back to the time of Adam and Eve. Inside the Kaa’ba
Followers are expected to Run up, down and between Mount Safa and Mount Marwah seven times Going to Mina Put on Ihram garments again Make intention for Hajj Remain in Mina during the Tarwiah Day (8th day) and perform the 5 prayers
Going to Arafat Leave for Arafat on morning of 9th and stay until sunset Stay in any part of Arafat Glorify Allah, repeat supplication, repent to Allah and ask for forgiveness Pray
Pilgrims at Muzdahifah where they gather a handful of pebbles Proceed to Mina Shortly before sunrise, leave Muzdahifah for Mina. Go to Jamrat Al-Aqabah and stone it with 7 pebbles Slaughter your sacrifice Shave your head or trim hair Take off Ihram garments
Complete the Hajj…. Tawaf Al-Ifadha Make Tawaf Al-Ifadha Make Sa'i between Safa and Marwa After Tawaf Al-Ifadha, all restrictions are lifted
4 Things that Unite All Muslims 1.Common Faith 2.Common Language (Arabic) 3. Ties of Trade & Commerce 4. Hajj
Famous Muslims: Avicenna – 10th century physician and philosopher who summarized all the medical knowledge up to that time caliphs – Muslim leaders who came to rule following the death of Muhammad Harun-al-Rashid – Caliph who’s exploits were told in the story 1001 Arabian Nights
Famous Muslims Today: Ellen Burstyn Dr. Oz Ice-Cube Janet & Jermaine Jackson Amal Clooney (wife of George) Snoop Dog Dave Chappelle Shaquille O’Neal Mike Tyson Iman Mos Def Busta Rhymes