INTERACTIVE MEDIA AUTHORING Unit 17 INTERACTIVE MEDIA AUTHORING LO2 - Be able to devise an interactive media product
LO2 – Assessment Objective Learning Outcome (LO) The learner will: Pass The assessment criteria are the pass requirements for this unit. The learner can: Merit For merit the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass criteria, the learner is able to: Distinction For distinction the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, the learner is able to: 1 Understand principles of interactive media authoring P1 Summarise accurately the principles of interactive media authoring with some appropriate use of subject terminology M1 Compare and contrast interactive media authoring products D1 Explain the benefits and drawbacks of the different formats that can be used to deliver interactive media authored products 2 Be able to devise an interactive media product P2 Generate outline ideas for an interactive media product working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance M2 Produce annotated design documentation for an interactive media product to meet a client need 3 Be able to create an interactive media product following industry practice P3 Create an interactive media product following industry practice, working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance M3 Make improvements to an interactive media product in response D2 Evaluate the stages of the production process showing how industry practice has been followed
Assessment Criteria P2 and M2 P2 – You should outline ideas need to be generated for an interactive media product working within appropriate conventions. A set scenario can be given to learners but it is essential there is enough scope to allow creativity. Alternatively briefs can be agreed on an individual basis. This must include at least 10 pages/screens, and the learner must discuss where their ideas came from, the content they plan to include, the published format, sources of assets and appropriate legal factors. This could be evidenced using mind maps, mood boards, storyboards and learners must include a navigation map and identify the scripts to be used. Learners can be provided with some assistance when outlining their ideas. Assistance could be as a result of tutor feedback. M2 – This is an extension of P2, learners must produce more detailed annotated designs and layouts for an interactive media product to meet the client’s needs. The storyboards and other supporting material must be to a standard where they could be given to another individual to make (and they would be able to). It should include ideas that were rejected after consideration. The client and user needs, and design ideas considered should be fully explained.
LO2 - Be able to devise an interactive media product Learners should then be taught the principles of creating a media product and the production process to include the conceptualisation, design, implementation, testing, review and evaluation. As small groups they should be given scenarios enabling them to conceptualise an interactive media product, to then consider and discuss the design and implementation options which should include the media elements, purpose and interactivity and control. Group review helps at this stage to identify gaps, or improvements. Learners can look at various examples of design documents and practice their creation as exercises such as group: brainstorming mood boards navigation map (showing how the pages link together) scripts (used for interaction e.g. Lingo, ActionScript) storyboards (showing the layout of pages, considering use of sounds, animation, interactivity). This can then be refined with the learners working in smaller groups and sharing their work. The key aspects of this can be taught using a variety of methods such as tutor led demonstration, step-by-step tutorials, or video tutorials. Design documents should be produced for products clearly documenting where ideas came from, to be included, the format for publishing, and sources of assets. Learners should also consider the impact of copyright on sourced material e.g. using images, videos from the Internet. This could be covered by looking at case studies of where content has been used without seeking permission to ensure that they comply with legislation when creating their own products. Appropriate legal factors should be discussed within the group to include using music downloads, and the use of images and consideration to be given within the final product.
LO2 - Be able to devise an interactive media product – Product Brief The product development manager has approached you to work on a new product that Cube Systems Limited is looking to develop for the education market. The company has decided that it should use its expertise to produce a range of interactive teaching and learning materials for use in schools all over the country. These products can cover a range of appropriate topics for school use. They will contain a range of: multimedia elements (text, images and graphics, animation, sound, audio and video) multimedia effects interactive features (navigation system, interactive game and alternative pathways included) This new product will need to be: easy-to-use and should be motivating for its target audience informative/educational in what it aims to do Ultimately the product will consist of many different multimedia products covering a wide range of topics that will be bundled together to sell to schools and teachers, as well as directly to students.
LO2 - Be able to devise an interactive media product – Navigation Map Think about: Sitemap Navigation Alternative pathways 1 - Home / About / Menu 2- Interactive human body 3 -Heart 4 - Lungs 6 – Quiz 5 - Brain The diagram to the left is a very basic version of what is expected. You may want to cross reference your pages with numbers from AO1 In order to be able to hand over the project to a designer, the company wants you to create a series of plans that will benefit the production process. The first of these is a Navigation Map. This is a diagram of how the multimedia product will move from one slide to another. A good product should have alternative navigation methods, a return to menu link, back and forward or a menu. Task 2 – P2.2 – Create a Navigation Map showing alternative pathways between screens and justify your design decisions.
This should be a detailed document which describes the house style LO2 - Be able to devise an interactive media product – Housestyle Task 3 – P2.3 - Identify and explain an appropriate house style created for the multimedia product and justify your choices and design decisions. This should be a detailed document which describes the house style For example Colour of Background Font (style, size, colour, alignment, direction) Paragraphs (including line spacing) Borders Images (logo) Placement of media / text / links Links Colour – Blue Background and Yellow lines within the footer Size –12 for main body text and 18 for title and headings Font – Times new roman Titles will be bold Alignment – left unless stated Paragraph line spacing set at 12pts after No Borders Logo – Will be placed in the top right of all documents Media on right Text on left Links on the left hand-side Internal links will be standard square blue push buttons External links will be text – Colour etc
Pass – Basic storyboard illustrated, with the use of: LO2 - Be able to devise an interactive media product – Storyboard Further Explanation Certain screens will have sound which can be muted. There can be a quiz which users will move images into words which will self mark. Multiple answer quiz which give instant feedback etc… Lungs Links LOGO Skeleton Brain The Heart Link External link s related to the subject Text boxes will appear and explain facts when certain areas are rolled over on the image. They will appear for 3 seconds then disappear. Image of the heart with hotspots on the major areas of the organ. Pass – Basic storyboard illustrated, with the use of: Text Images and Animations Sound or Audio Interactive Elements Merit – Comprehensive storyboard illustrated with additional elements and features included, such as: Range of images (ClipArt or Scanned Image) Range of Videos, sounds and animations Diagrams/Charts Timelined events Task 5 - P2.5 – Produce a storyboard for each screen showing multimedia elements and interactive features and justify your choices and design decisions.
LO2 - Be able to devise an interactive media product - Planning and Design Before the creation process begins, the client would like for all possible eventualities to be taken into consideration. Additional planning and discussions will be necessary to make sure all the clients needs are met in terms of graphics, navigation, layout and style. Task 6 - P2.6 – Produce a digital mood board that illustrates design choices including interactive features and justify your choices and design decisions. Task 7 – M2.1 - Evidence should be provided of discarded choices with a justification of decisions made.
LO2 - Be able to devise an interactive media product - Planning and Design For the interactive elements and the time lined events scripting will be necessary, code that controls the timings and movements. This can be in the form of Lingo, Actionscript in Flash or Timeline Action/Event planning in Mediator. This is something that will no doubt change through the production process when the limitations of the programs come more into action. Task 8 - P2.6 – Produce a Script plan that illustrates an Action or Motion within your media product and justify your choices and design decisions. Task 9 – M2.2 – Provide Evidence of discarded choices with a justification of decisions made.
LO2 - Be able to devise an interactive media product - Sourcing and Storing Now it is time for the elements of your project to be gathered. The company is prepared to pay for copyright of the images and elements used so the sources can be from professional companies but the source will have to be registered. Task 10 – P2.7 – Evidence Creating, Editing and Optimising the following elements within the multimedia product (Click on links for individual tasks) Pass – Elements and Features included in multimedia: Text Graphics Animation Sound Audio Merit – Elements and Features included in multimedia: Digital and other images (ClipArt and Scanned Image) Drawing Diagrams/Charts Range of Animations Range of Sounds Range of Videos
Pass – Some evidence of text used LO2 - Be able to devise an interactive media product - Sourcing and Storing Task 10 – P2.7 - Create some of your own text for use in your multimedia product. Provide a few screenshots of you creating some. Edit some existing text for use in your multimedia product. Provide a few screenshots of you collecting text then editing it from a few different sources. REMEMBER – keep a note of your sources and details of copyright for Task 11 Pass – Some evidence of text used Merit – A range of appropriate text used that is near professional standard
LO2 - Optimise your Multimedia Elements Optimise your multimedia elements and reference the target audience When optimising your multimedia elements, you should consider and explain: Dimensions State dimensions Compression (making files smaller and more efficient) Resolution (ensuring this is suitable) Frame rate (ensuring this is suitable) Exporting to correct File formats (ensuring these are suitable for images, animation, sound/audio and video – click on link for additional information) With each type of element explain why you have done this Pass – Some elements covered with basic references to the target audience Distinction – All elements covered with comprehensive and valid references to the target audience
Pass – Some evidence of graphics used LO2 - Be able to devise an interactive media product - Sourcing and Storing Task 10 – P2.7 - Create some of your own graphics for use in your multimedia product. Provide a series of screenshots showing the creation of graphics for your product. Edit some existing graphics for use in your multimedia product. Provide a series of screenshots showing you collecting and editing a range of graphics REMEMBER – keep a note of your sources and details of copyright for Task 11 Pass – Some evidence of graphics used Merit – A wide range of graphics (created and edited) used – Near professional standard
Pass – One animation evidenced (created or sourced) LO2 - Be able to devise an interactive media product - Sourcing and Storing Task 10 – P2.7 - Create at least one animation for use in your multimedia product. Show evidence of this – Remember you will need to export your animation once you have finished. You can use animations from other sources. REMEMBER – keep a note of your sources and details of copyright for Task 11 Pass – One animation evidenced (created or sourced) Merit – A range of animations (created and sourced) are used – Near professional standard
Pass – One sound clip evidenced (created or sourced) LO2 - Be able to devise an interactive media product - Sourcing and Storing Task 10 – P2.7 - Create and/or edit at least one sound clip and Audio (voice) for use in your multimedia product. Use Audacity to create or edit your sound and audios (voice) Apply sound effects Remember you can get sounds and audio files from the internet and edit these REMEMBER – keep a note of your sources and details of copyright for Task 11 Pass – One sound clip evidenced (created or sourced) Merit – A range of sound clips (created/edited and sourced) are used – Near professional standard
Pass – Some basic editing LO2 - Be able to devise an interactive media product - Sourcing and Storing Task 10 – P2.7 - Create and/or edit at least one video clip for use in your multimedia product. Remember you could get a video from a website and edit that. Explain all the changes you have made from the original clip. Show evidence of this through a series of screenshots. Apply sound and video effects and transitions The level of editing should match the level you are aiming at. REMEMBER – keep a note of your sources and details of copyright for Task 11 Pass – Some basic editing Distinction – Some professional editing – resulting in a near professional clip
LO2 - Be able to devise an interactive media product - Sourcing and Storing Task 11 – P2.8 - Present within a table that acknowledges the sources of various different multimedia elements (state the following – name, type, size, source, copyright) You need to explain how copyright affects the usage of the components you have collected. Use a table to identify all the sources of your components and the copyright implications: You will need all of your images, animations, sound, audio, text, video and scripts in here. Name Type Size Source Copyright Implication Badger.jpg Picture of a Badger 28KB This image is copyrighted to Bill Oddie 2007. In order to use this image the company will need to pay for the right to use it or lease the rights off the copyright holder for use within this product.
LO2 - Be able to devise an interactive media product - Legal and ethical considerations Now that you have collected all the images and objects for your media product, you will need to state and show that you understand the implications of copyright to the company so they can protect themselves in case of copyright breach. Legal (e.g. copyright) – State the copyright law (take this from Unit 01 or 02) and state how this will have an impact on your choice of sources. Acknowledge sources – Knowing the sources, state the implication this might have on your products in terms of reliable, trustworthy, up to date and technically correct. Ethical (e.g. intellectual property, misrepresentation, decency) – State the implication of using these images and sources in terms of Ethical decisions. State how this has impacted on your decision to source these materials and the need to verify and give credit to the intellectual copyright holder of these products. Also explain your considerations when it came to decency and misrepresentation. You can use supporting material from Unit 02 – LO2 to back up this argument. Task 12 – P2.9 – State the legal and ethical implications of copyright in reference to your collected resources and how this will impact on your decision to use and select these resources.
LO2 - Task List Scenario Criteria Tasks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Assessment Task 1 – P2.1 – Identify the Purpose, Audience, Audience Needs, Content and Format for your Multimedia Product. Task 2 – P2.2 – Create a Navigation Map showing alternative pathways between screens and justify your design decisions. Task 3 – P2.3 - Identify and explain an appropriate house style created for the multimedia product and justify your choices and design decisions. Task 4 – P2.4 - Identify and explain an appropriate consistent interface for the interactive media product and justify your choices and design decisions. Task 5 - P2.5 – Produce a storyboard for each screen showing multimedia elements and interactive features and justify your choices and design decisions. Task 6 - P2.6 – Produce a digital mood board that illustrates design choices including interactive features and justify your choices and design decisions. Task 7 – M2.1 - Evidence should be provided of discarded choices with a justification of decisions made. Task 8 - P2.6 – Produce a Script plan that illustrates an Action or Motion within your media product and justify your choices and design decisions. Task 9 – M2.2 – Provide Evidence of discarded choices with a justification of decisions made. Task 10 – P2.7 – Evidence Creating, Editing and Optimising the following elements within the multimedia product (Click on links for individual tasks) Task 11 – P2.8 - Present within a table that acknowledges the sources of various different multimedia elements (state the following – name, type, size, source, copyright) Task 12 – P2.9 – State the legal and ethical implications of copyright in reference to your collected resources and how this will impact on your decision to use and select these resources. Scenario Criteria Tasks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Assessment