English Learner Program SPSA Performance Goal 2: Limited English Proficient Students
English Learner Program Intent- Read Description of District Program(s) English Language Mainstream-Read Alvord High’s Program English Language Mainstream
English Language Mainstream CELDT score 4-5; receive standards-based ELD instruction daily SDAIE strategies continue to be used in the core content subjects Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English Teachers in ELM classroom provide: 1. Services and instruction that continues English language development 2. Instruction that prepares them for reclassification 3. Instruction that helps students over come language barriers to core curriculum 4. ELM teachers hold State EL authorizations (CLAD) Question: Who is responsible for our ELM program?
Staff Input English Learner Program Please review the “Description of Site Program.” Make notes of any changes you feel are necessary and report out to group. (volunteer to type) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
ELAC Input at 9/14/16 meeting 1. Information about strategies used by the teachers should be added 2. Under “Objectives”-Delete improve CAHSEE passage rate 3. Under “Objectives”- Add teacher trainings in strategies that will help EL students succeed 4. School to meet with students to go over Reclassification process…
SPSA Performance Goal 2: Limited English Proficient Students ELAC Input Goals are good, however, would like them worded to reflect on how teachers would specifically help EL students over come language barriers to achieve them. Best to look at it as step-by-step; year-by-year improvement.
Staff Ideas/Input to SPSA Goal 2 We all share this goal