Regular Term Instruction


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Presentation transcript:

Regular Term Instruction Andrea Presenters: Dr. Barbara Medina and Andrea Vazquez

Agenda: Regular Term Instruction Introductions Requirements Promising practices Focus questions Questions and answers Andrea

Federal Requirements Federal statutes, regulations, and guidance on regular term instruction are found in sections 1304(c)(6), 1306(b) of Title I, Part C and throughout the MEP Non-regulatory Guidance (NRG) at The services to be provided include educational activities for eligible children (e.g., tutoring before/after school) and educationally-related support activities (e.g., advocacy, health, nutrition) Barbara

Regular Term Instruction Barbara

Discussion Questions Select a recorder and a reporter for your table. Work with the people at your table to discuss the questions that follow. The recorder writes a summary of the group’s discussion on the chart paper. The reporter reports out during the debrief session. Andrea

What regular term services are provided at your site to migrant students in pre-K through high school? (list two or three) Andrea

What issues or challenges have you run into with in serving migrant children and youth? Andrea

What successful practices have you seen? Andrea

What resources are needed to better enable you to serve students during the regular term? Andrea

Debrief Discussion Questions What regular term services are provided at your site to migrant students in pre-K through high school? Andrea

Debrief Discussion Questions What issues or challenges have you run into with in serving migrant children and youth? Andrea

Debrief Discussion Questions What successful practices have you seen? Andrea

Successful Practices Teachers are trained to work with culturally and linguistically diverse students (standards for CLD) o Understand English Language Development (proficiency levels) o Student centered (native language and cultural background viewed as an asset) o Use realia & visuals (a focus on building comprehension) o Collaboration (student’s learn together and from each other)

Successful Practices Culturally Responsive Curriculum that is “meaningful “and relevant to student’s lives and quality materials in home/native language There are various instructional organization or models to serve ELD students Newcomer Dual Language Bilingual Transitional

Successful Practices QTEL Model (Quality Teaching for English Learners) (Walqui 2006, WESTED, 2000) Sustain academic rigor Hold high expectations Engage student’s in quality interaction Sustain a focus on language Develop quality curriculum

Debrief Discussion Questions What resources are needed to better enable you to serve students during the regular term? Andrea

Innovative technology to increase student reading and math achievement and student engagement Andrea

Strategy: Innovative technology to increase student reading and math achievement and student engagement Hands-on and innovative projects Graphic design Robotics Experiments Computer-assisted storytelling Interactive online instruction Coordination w/statewide advocates Innovative educational technology can be stand alone or part of an extended day or summer program! Andrea

Migrant Mentor/Advocacy Program Barbara

Mentors meet for a full school year or the time the migrant student is there Barbara

Operates in a school with staff working to build positive relations Barbara

Some structured activities to increase academic skills Barbara

Mentors advocate with teachers and administrators to navigate the school system Barbara

Stipends can be paid to mentors Barbara

Strategy: Support for children ages 4-5 through partnerships, early educ. providers, and parents Transportation assistance for parents/children Needs assessment results Lists of community services and contacts Participation in service provider meetings Partnerships with local libraries Family literacy/engagement and home visits Coordination w/state and Federal initiatives Andrea


Strategy: In-home school readiness instruction Include the domains of development: physical, social/emotional, and cognitive Culturally-appropriate activities to connect with the child’s environment and experience Support different learning styles Hands-on and manipulatives Child and parent skills inventories Explicit literacy and numeracy activities Hold several parent/child mtgs during the year to demonstrate strategies to parents for preparing their child for school Barbara

Supplemental instructional services to improve students’ reading and math skills Barbara

Activity: Gallery Walk – Part 1 There are supplemental services posted around the room. Work with the people at your table to identify examples of the supplemental services that are provided by your district to migrant students. Record these examples directly on the chart paper. Supplemental instruction should support the general education program Andrea

Activity: Gallery Walk – Part 2 Begin at the assigned chart paper. Place a sticky dot on the service which is currently used most by your program. When prompted, rotate (clockwise) to the next chart paper and repeat. Repeat until you have selected one service for each chart paper. Andrea

Debrief Supplemental Services Extended school day Online instruction Tutoring w/intentional content for skill bldg. Frequent communication w/parents & staff Project-based learning Older-to-younger student mentoring and tutoring Andrea

Strategy: Professional development to prepare staff to work with migratory children Understanding the migrant lifestyle and culture Mitigating the effects of interrupted education Knowledge of school and community resources Importance of ensuring that content is comprehensible and strategies appeal to all learning styles Understanding of the state MEP CNA, SDP, and strategies and how students are identified and recruited Professional development should focus on the unique needs of migrant children and youth Barbara

Professional Development Knowledge of migrant lifestyle and culture Knowledge of school and community resources Instructional strategy and learning style comprehension Mitigating the effects of interrupted education Understanding of the State MEP, CNA, SDP and strategies and how students are identified and recruited Professional Development

Let’s revisit the KWL chart! Regular Term Instruction Let’s revisit the KWL chart! Barbara

Questions from the Group?