Food Service 2016-17 Update
Daily Operations The Department served over 283,000 meals to students this year. We serve 1500 meals daily in all schools. Additional revenue was created by serving 3 local private schools. 40,000 meals were sent to those schools. . Meal count is only reimbursable counts
Increased Participation Total Meals: School Year 2015/16 240,091 total reimbursable meals School Year 2016/17 242,895 total reimbursable meals 2,804 increase in meals. This is reimbursable meals, not al la carte sales of sandwiches, only meals that meal the component requirement (3 of the 5 items) Does not include local private schools * Reimbursable meals do not include local private schools
POS System Allows parents to view actual purchases. System upgrades this year included: mobile menus, nutritional information and student accounts viewable on a smartphone.
New Ruling from USDA Sodium levels are to remain at current levels. Low fat flavored milk permitted to be sold. Districts receives an exemption for grains. Target 1: SY 2014-15 for Lunch ≤1,230mg (K-5) Target 2: SY 2017-18Lunch ≤935mg (K-5) Should increase milk consumption Not everything has to be whole grain only 50% Goes into effect in school year 17/18
Highlights of the Year The annual Senior Breakfast participants (900) enjoyed a hot breakfast. The department joined Twitter, @HavSDFoodSer. Received fresh produce 2/3 times a week from a dedicated vendor. Purchased an additional 7 milk coolers with our grant from last year. Twitter will be used to send out reminders, pictures of meals, behind the scenes items. We received $12,000 in 15/16 and $12,000 in 16/17 for refrigerators from mid atlantic dairy council In past produce was delivered with all other food items, this allows us to not over order and let it turn bad.
Highlights(cont.) USDA/PDE audit was conducted in 2 parts this year, the off-site portion was completed in March with the on-site portion was conducted in early May. The USDA also reviewed our procurement practices in October. PDE audit is every 3 years, conducted in 2 parts, all of our free and reduced applications, menus, verification of applications is completed offsite via uploading documents. The second part is an onsite physical review of our program, two schools were chosen this year, middle and manoa, proud to say the staff did an great job. Only a small number of findings which were completed before the auditor left the district. The official report will be available in the beginning of August We were found in compliance in procurement.
PA Culinary Training Attending PA Healthy Culinary Training this summer. A few menus items from last year were a kale salad and a beet salad Some pictures from past trainings. Upper moreland high school
New Menu Items The next menu cycle (2017-18) includes new and interesting items. Taco, burrito set up similar to chipotle(with help of one of our vendors) shredded beef soft taco
New Snack Option Fruit Popsicles made locally in Kennett Square Mom and Pops popsicles, vegan, gluten free, tree nut free(coconut is listed) great flavors, good price point and will proved separate freezers to keep product separate. Banana raspberry Pineapple basil Strawberry lemonade Orange coconut Choco sea salt Mango
Digital Signage Expected digital signage in the Middle and High Schools for 2017-18. Signage will start in middle and high school then elementary, this will show menus of the day, pictures and national information planning on a september launch