Activity Report as a GSN Monitoring Centre – JMA Hirotaka SATO Climate Prediction Division (CPD) Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) GCOS Network Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 7-9 September 2016
Outline GSN Monitoring Centres GSN difference lists Best practice – concerning the difference lists Identifying a problem Solutions Lessons learnt GCOS Network Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 7-9 September 2016
GSN Monitoring Centres Based on the monitoring results of GSNMCs, CBSLCs aim to improve the quantity and quality of GSN-CLIMAT over the GTS by contacting with the FP in each NMHS. Monthly monitoring results Annual Reports CBS Lead Centres for GCOS GSN Monitoring Centre (DWD and JMA) Contact with NMHSs -Diagnose problems -Technical advice CLIMAT messages Focal Point GTS NMHS GCOS Network Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 7-9 September 2016 GTS: Global Telecommunication System
An Example of Monitoring Products Reception at DWD Reception of CLIMAT reports at DWD (top) and JMA (bottom) for June 2016. There is little difference between them, Sweden Philippines Reception at JMA but they are not completely identical. Green: Received Red: Not Received GCOS Network Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 7-9 September 2016
GSN Difference Lists DWD and JMA exchange received CLIMAT every month. GSNMCs share monthly “GSN difference lists” with the Secretariat and the Lead Centres. The lists provide information on stations; received at only DWD, received at only JMA, not received at both DWD and JMA. GCOS Network Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 7-9 September 2016
? ? Why Best Practice Identifying a Problem In April 2015, GSNMC JMA found the situation that GSNMC JMA had not received CLIMAT messages from Sweden for months but GSNMC DWD had received them. ? Why ? GSNMC JMA investigated the problem with the help of their IT staff and figured out that was because BUFR CLIMAT messages from Sweden had contained format errors. There were unnecessary many “zero” characters after the end section. GCOS Network Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 7-9 September 2016
Best Practice Solution JMA told the situation to DWD and asked them to contact the person in charge with the CLIMAT transmission in Sweden. Sweden returned to sending ASCII CLIMAT messages from those for April 2015. JMA became able to receive Swedish CLIMAT report again. I’m happy to get Swedish CLIMATs again! GCOS Network Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 7-9 September 2016
Best Practice The Problem Again…… Another Solution After six months Sweden returned to sending BUFR CLIMAT reports from those for October 2015. The problem arose again. Another Solution The IT staff in JMA investigated the situation of global exchange of Swedish BUFR CLIMATs in cooperation with other RTHs of GTS. They suspected that Sweden had made their BUFR CLIMATs incorrectly. Now Sweden is correcting it. RTH: Regional Telecommunication Hub GTS: Global Telecommunication System GCOS Network Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 7-9 September 2016
Lessons Learnt GSN difference lists are helpful. The lists has helped us to find problems. It is difficult to identify and resolve errors in BUFR format. Cooperation with IT staff is essential. This problem was due to incorrect BUFR encoding. It can be said that it is difficult to identify and resolve format errors in BUFR format compared with those in ASCII format. Now the problem is being resolved thanks to IT staff and their international cooperation. GCOS Network Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 7-9 September 2016
Thank you! This is JMA’s Mascot Character ‘Hare-run’, not a new Pokémon. ‘Hare’ means sunny weather in Japanese, ‘Hare-ru’ means ‘it becomes sunny’. ‘Run-run’ means happiness feeling.