The Search for the Holy Grail, (…..or successful seminars) Jamie Harding Carol Stephenson School of Arts and social sciences Department of Social science
Beginnings Starting the search? Prompted by student concerns Students concerns re. seminars: Disengagement, attendance and silence, confidence? ‘Why should I do it when they don’t?’ Confusion and frustration, ‘What should I be doing?’
The Research Carried out and transcribed two focus groups with volunteers Staff focus group: Talk about the organisation of seminars What works Student focus group: What makes for a good seminar? Memorable seminars Joint working groups to agree good practice
Good Seminar Practice Concerns of the staff group: What to expect in terms of preparation Appropriate expectations at different levels (is there a danger of spoon feeding?) Setting an appropriate seminar culture Whether to have a plan B if students don’t prepare How far to have learning outcomes for seminars
Concerns of the Staff Group (continued) Suitability of the physical environment Using students’ own experience, encouraging reflection How to encourage students who don’t speak Need to know students’ names
Concerns of the Student Group Small groups needed otherwise another lecture Frustration at colleagues who don’t prepare But need enough time to prepare Schools too focused on passing exams Students may be fearful to take part in debate Lecturers who don’t seem human discourage discussion Need to bring seminars to a conclusion
Staff/student identified bad practice Requiring too much reading beforehand Requiring reading that is difficult to access Giving another lecture Lecturer, or three or four students, dominating seminar Unstructured seminars where students do not know what is required Singling people out/bullying Disrespectful behaviour, e.g. talking and texting Students coming unprepared
Key Recommendations Outline expectations for how seminars operate At least one key reading that is available electronically Having a bean bag for the next speaker or a ‘shut up’ card for someone who should stop talking Seminars that relate to topics everyone can contribute to Activities where everyone has to speak, e.g. picking cards out of a hat Ice breakers to enable people to get to know each other The structure of the seminar made clear each week Ending with a review of the seminar
Discussion points (please add more!) Should there be different expectations of students in terms of preparation for teaching at different levels of study? How should we deal with students who don’t do the necessary preparation for seminars (or any other form of teaching)? Is it possible to ensure verbal contributions from every seminar member? How far does the topic determine whether students are able to reflect on their own experience?