Experience of Serbia in conducting pilot Time Use survey Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia www.stat.gov.rs pub@stat.gov.rs
www.stat.gov.rs pub@stat.gov.rs Pilot was conducted in July 2009 Sample – 160 households 477 household members Age limit 15+ 395 household members were 15+ 100 households from urban and 60 households from rural settlements www.stat.gov.rs pub@stat.gov.rs
Preparations were complex and extensive Working group consists of 6 members – methodologists
Methodological preparations Creation of 4 standard questionnaires: • Household questionnaire • Individual questionnaire • Diary • Weekly schedule of working hours * All core questions were adopted
2. Creation of 2 additional questionnaires The list of households selected for sample (it includes a list of address data, day and date for two designated diary days) Interviewer‘s report
3. Preparation of methodological and organizational manual 4. Adoption of the TUS code system
Training Training was organized for 30 interviewers and 16 controllers Participants were given all necessary information
Fieldwork Interviewers informed respondents about aims of survey Interviewers successively submitted material to their controllers Constant control and constant contact with supervisors were shown as a good way for avoiding recurring errors
Coding of questionnaires primary and secondary activities, location, mode of transport is very demanding and important phase Specific case - 3 generation households
Data entry and processing IT specialists from SORS made an application for data entry Common denominator for several levels of questionnaires
Main aims of conducting pilot TUS Testing methodological and organizational solutions Training participants Testing the fieldwork organization Adapting a coding list Testing data entry software and data processing
Useful information • Time required for - filling in the questionnaires - control of questionnaires - control of a filled-in diary - coding the diary
• Most frequent errors in filling-in - the questionnaire, made by interviewers - the diary, made by respondents • Possible corrections - in the questionnaires and adjustments in the methodology guide - in the coding list
The pilot was very useful experience Some changes were provided based on experience gained: - some of questions were worded more clearly - 4 new questions were added in Individual questionnaire - 1 new question was added in Household questionnaire
The main survey starts in February It includes 2340 households It lasts 365 days